well havent been out in a while so took the girl friend and her friend out for a "boating trip" she made me promise i wouldnt be fishing as she doesnt like the smell hahaha girls and boats dont mix most of the time hahaha but i always take the rod just in case.
lucky i did because as i got close to the house at Moreton i spotted a school of tailor chopping up and managed to get 12 so that was good i then dropped the girls at the sandhills for a swim and went and chased some squid managed to get 45 with a couple of biggies thrown in.
on the way in to pick up the girls i noticed a big school of gar so out came the bait net, managed to get about 200 gar so i thought great fresh bait, headed straight back to where we got the tailor in the morning and first bait was out at about 7pm and were the fish thick even the girlfriend and her friend even ended up catching them on hand lines you didnt even have to cast out they where just smashing the bait next to the boat after about 8.30 they'de had enough and came in. Ended up with 41 tailor biggest going 4lb. Its great to be out fishing again