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Thread: Scratching the Red Itch - The Out-takes

  1. #1

    Scratching the Red Itch - The Out-takes

    Finally put together some of the footage of other fish and dropped reds on our last trip when we bagged out on Reds. Get your PEtackle flys from

  2. #2

    Re: Scratching the Red Itch - The Out-takes

    tinny slap, gotta love it.

  3. #3

    Re: Scratching the Red Itch - The Out-takes

    For some reason it always looks funny when someone else loses a fish .
    Another nice video Anthony.

    Callsign - Smells Like Fish! VHF Ch 21, 73 or 80

  4. #4

    Re: Scratching the Red Itch - The Out-takes

    good vid again boyz
    planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish

  5. #5

    Re: Scratching the Red Itch - The Out-takes

    Haha yeh its funny to watch now, just not funny at the time!! I left out a bit of footage of Sean throwing 1k + of combo on the floor of the boat hahaha

    Good trip, can't wait to do it again!!!


  6. #6

    Re: Scratching the Red Itch - The Out-takes

    Quote Originally Posted by Spot82 View Post
    I left out a bit of footage of Sean throwing 1k + of combo on the floor of the boat hahaha
    Oooooo, they're the times when you really know that you're not supposed to laugh.

    Callsign - Smells Like Fish! VHF Ch 21, 73 or 80

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