Had an awsome couple of days last week fishing with my new stella 20000sw . planned for ages to catch a marlin on an eggy and have done it twice on the first trip the reel performed faultlessly and handled the 50lb braid and drag with ease the fish were around the 80kg mark I love it when a plan comes together. anyway during the fight of the second fish i jammed the reel into the side of the boat at the time i did not notice any damage but when i got home found one of the guards broken. I rang shimano service today to find out if i could get the part. The person i was talking to requested the part number that i was able to get off the drawing in the reel box he then asked for my particulars at this point i asked how much would this cost? He said no cost ill send it tommorow . You dont get service like that much anymore this will definately get me back to buy more of there gear great service.