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Thread: CQ river conservation

  1. #1

    CQ river conservation

    With all the green zones been put in place on Central Queensland bays and reefs why is it that our most vulnerable areas such as our estuaries and major rivers areas are not being protected from the commercial netters and trawlers. In a few weeks when barra season opens the nets are going to be strung across and tonnes of barra, salmon and whatever comes across will be taken including dugongs & crocodiles. The Fitzroy River near Rockhampton and Shoal Water area is a prime example with statistics showing stocks on a decline. Don’t we get enough fish & prawns etc from our oceans to satisfy the ones not fortunate enough to be able to catch their own and why can’t we leave the rivers net & trawler free so we have something to show our kids or grand kids.
    What’s it going to take to get something started to rid these waterways of nets and trawlers? It’s not impossible the NT did it.

  2. #2

    Re: CQ river conservation

    I agree 100% BW, as barra and prawns can be commercially farmed, there is absolutely no reason why our estuaries and rivers should be netted. One only has to look at the success being achieved in NSW with stocks improving dramatically after fishing licences have cancelled for rivers and estuaries. Common EPA/DERM raise your game

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: CQ river conservation

    Yep! dead right!!! SEQ too...

  4. #4

    Re: CQ river conservation

    Who do i pester in finding out if anything is being done? Is there a fishing lobby or green group already pushing for license buybacks or closures to these areas? I haven't been to thrilled in the work the greens have done in the past but maybe they could make a bit of difference here as they have a voice.

  5. #5

    Re: CQ river conservation

    mate totally support your view and would also like to see all netting for tailor and mullet off the beaches in se qld closed down also but what you probably have to remember is that labour is supported by the unions and supports the greens agenda in return for their preferences and the LNP is supported by the top end of town and supports the business lobby groups and what do you reckon the key businesses are in the fishing industry - so i reckon gett ing the esturies and major rivers closed in qld to commercail use and kept available from greens zones for amatuer and recreation fiahing is going to be a pretty tall order - whatwe all should pray for is a keen ameuter fisho to become the premier or the minister for fisheries one day - but that does mean to say we cant try
    cheers rob

  6. #6

    Re: CQ river conservation

    Why aren't they being protected...... ?

    Simple...... because recreational anglers are an easy target and it fits their agenda to blame us on fish depletion.

    The estuary, creek and river systems of Queensland hold the key to the offshore and bay fishery. If the upper reaches are not protected, the lower reaches will not survive.

    It's all well putting in green zones to protect a certain area within a bay etc, but no point in doing so when the commercial industry is sucking the lifeblood from the nurseries ( creeks etc ).

    NSW have stopped a lot of estuary netting and their juvenile stocks are bouncing back which in turn results in better offshore and bay fisheries.

    Qld pollies seem determined to cater to the extreme green groups in a vote preference deal to keep them in power. That, my friends is the ISSUE and the PROBLEM.

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