Hi All
Finally - nearly some 2 months after completing the ABT barra tour I've started to go through my tackle boxes for a bit of a tidy up / rearrangement etc
going through my hard bodies I start to remove battle damaged / destroyed Rapala X Raps ...... mostly with their ass end ripped out / split.
So .... it got me thinking - as some of these lures had only managed as little as 1 fish & at around $24 a pop ..... Is it really worth it ( rhetorical question)

- with out a doubt - for me , Yes!!!!
So ..... how do you value your lures ? -
I know some see a $4-$5 soft plastic as over the top - What are your expectations & bang for your buck ?
Would you be willing to spend $24 + on a lure that may only land a single fish

Should we expect better ?
Look forward to your thoughts