Hello Ausfisho's,
Well I've done a couple of day trips out and the first trip I headed out to the Maheano Bombie. When I got there I sounded around and there was big schools of Amberjack high in the water column. I set myself up for the first drift and bang a brute of a fish hit me and took off like a freight train, after a good long fight an Amberjack popped out the back around the 20 kg mark.
After catching another 5 around the 5 kilo mark which I put back things went quiet. So I moved to another peice of reef not far away, a couple of drifts of the area and a few small reefies. I was about to head home when on the last drift I got belted. At first I thought it was going to be another amberjack but after some good head shakes a nice knobie around the 7 to 8 kilo mark popped out the back and he he had a real nice knob on his head, unfortunately the pics did not come out real clear as the camera was playing up.
The second trip I headed out to the same country, south east this spot is a bit of a hole that drops into 70 metres were snapper and trag normally hang out. Again there was a lot of amberjack holding in it and after catching a couple I let a few go, just kept to around the 10 kilo mark with some gold spot cod and a snapper around the 6 kilo mark.