Hit Monduran with Kyle for a quick splash'n'dash trip on Friday to Sunday. Conditions were great - a bit windy from the SE on Friday but easing to completely still by Sunday. We got a couple of jighead prototypes from Matt Fraser to trial during our trip.
Day 1
Tried the second island at the first cut-through for a couple of taps but no hook-ups. Headed to quad point for nothing! After lunch hit Jack's but found too many boats and too much noise there. I managed a small catfish on a lure rigged with single hooks. Back to the second island at the first cut-through for the dusk bite and Kyle nails a feisty 63 on his favourite bomber.
Day 2
Dawn saw us throwing slickrigs and hollowbellies with prototype jigheads in a creekbed in B. Kyle's slickkie is engulfed on his second cast as he is practising a Taylor boys jiggy jig retrieve. The barra was deep hooked and abraded the 80lb leader on it's second jump after about 10 seconds of fight, while Kyle was desperately trying to back off the drag (we were in open water). I managed a couple more catfish. Headed to north B where I tied on a gold Xrap and managed a couple more catfish.
That afternoon saw us work a new bank in south B. Second cast Kyle's bomber is smacked by a 98 that finds some underwater timber. We manage to free it and get it to the net when the fish heads to open water rather than towards more timber. A PB on the cast for Kyle. Great net work by me!
Dusk sees us back at the creekbed in B where I see a huge swirl behind my drop bear but no touch. I do manage 7 or 8 catfish, 3 big ones in consecutive casts so Kyle says "Are you sure it isn't the same fish Dad?" - smartarse!
Day 3
Tried another new area in south B at dawn. After an hour or so, I throw my lure to a weed edge and then Kyle throws his 2 metres to the left where it is hammered by a good fish that goes straight around a big tree. Kyle free spools as he leccies after the fish. To the left is deep water and to the right is a shallow bay. Kyle reapplies pressure and the fish heads right into the shallow bay and weed. The next 5 minutes sees us following the fish in 1m of water and weed with me pulling many kilos of the stuff off Kyle's line. Eventually I manage to get the net under 10kg of weed and a 96cm barra that has destroyed Kyle's favourite bomber.
In a final act of desperation I tie on a similar bomber and work another bank. Almost immediately I'm on but, you guessed it, to another catfish. Final tally was three barra to Kyle (63, 98 & 96) and none to me. Catfish count was 4 to Kyle and 12+ to me!
Headed home with a happy boy that was very prepared to educate Dad (aka Catfish King) on how to catch barra...
Kyle (aka Mr Consistency) now has 7 successful trips in a row to Mondy. We will be back in late Feb.
Pete & Kyle