Hi guys i thought i would put up a post as to what i have been doing during this week off work , after last week getting some nice spotties of mermaid reef i thought this week i would go of the goldie again and try and catch a black which i had been told have been lurking of the pin bar . On wednesday i went out by myself in my fin to troll a couple of pakula cockies in lumo and blue angel , i turned out of the seaway and headed to the 50mt line and started trolling my lures heading north looking for the elusive black that i had never caught in all the years i had been fishing . The weather was great to start with and no problem for the fin ,my lures where smoking along nicely and popping up at regular intervals so all was good at 6 knt but ones i got down past the pin bar and not seeing any bait on the sounder i noticed that the only 2 other boats out there were travelling in closer to me . So i decided to troll my way in and they decided to head out where i had been ,anyway once i got intowards the pin bar i noticed a distinct current line in about 70- 120 feet conture line so i trolled this area for a couple of hours and pulled 3 dollies . One was tinny almost the same size as my lure but the other 2 where good size i guess 6-7 kg ,one of them threw the hooks as i wasnt quick enough to get to the rod to keep a tight line on him ,the second one stayed connected but it wasnt easy with a fairly heavy southerly starting to blow a good 15 but i think more knts . The weather was getting a bit rough for me so i took of back to the seaway in the fin to end the day with some success but not what i was after ....matt
DAY2 thursday Gav from SEAPROBE CHARTERS asked if i was interested in going out with him and 2 other regular customers for a day on his boat chasing blacks ,i jumped at the chance and took my 2 rods and lures down and of we went for a great day on the water . The weather was perfect and way better than the day i went out in my boat ,we started trolling 5 rods out and headed to an area north of the seaway looking for the blacks. We stuck around the current lines and where soon rewarded with our first strike about 8.30 but didnt stay connected but we did get a great arial display by these fantastic fish . We kept trolling and at 9.15 my rod running rh short at the back of the teaser got a good hit but didnt connect next minute the same fish {seen from flybridge} smacked my other rod on the rigger and i was on to my first black yeeehaaaaaaaaa ,after backing down on him a bit and a 15minute fight and some great boat driving we got him to the boat and released him without bringing him on board he swam away in great condition Finally a dream comes true and another species of the list. About another hour later another rod goes of and ROSCOE another regular is on and after some great acrobatics we end up with another black ,thats 2 virginities broken great work . Roscoe got some great video of my fish and i recorded some great stuff for him which he is going to edit and put to music once i get it i will try and post it . I have a few photos that i will attach but they arent much chop as they where taken from my mobile .Hope i havent bored you too much so at the end of the day we got3 strikes 2captures and i must say it went quite after 11 am so we trolled till3pm for not a look a great day for us especially since i wasnt working ...matt
SEAPROBE CHARTERS run by GAV can be contacted on ph; 0400312330 they cater for all styles of fishing and gav has 20yrs gold coast experience so he knows what is on and when ...matt![]()