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Thread: Three year old Quintrex Electrolisis Probs

  1. #16

    Re: Three year old Quintrex Electrolisis Probs

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarrah Jack View Post
    Well thought out OB I think you just made a good case for not bothering with the paint at all, especially below the waterline.

    Whether the corrosion was caused by the adhesive or retention of salt is academic for my mate now. He got rid of the telwater and got a Tab.
    It all still seems to be coming back to quality of products/materials ,our old original "tinny'1980's was hardly ever put undercover & certainly never washed & dried completely everytime we used it,makes one think!! P.S. Still hate my boat

  2. #17

    Re: Three year old Quintrex Electrolisis Probs

    I have one and i was leavin the battery turned on and it started(bubbles under paint), i started at xmas turning the battery off and it seems it has stopped it.

  3. #18

    Re: Three year old Quintrex Electrolisis Probs

    Quote Originally Posted by BOMBIE View Post
    It all still seems to be coming back to quality of products/materials ,our old original "tinny'1980's was hardly ever put undercover & certainly never washed & dried completely everytime we used it,makes one think!! P.S. Still hate my boat
    No good you hate your boat, sell it like my mate did.

    My '79 quinny fishabout, which caught a lot of fish yesterday, is never washed, never covered, I call it the slum boat but its still going well. Never been welded. I keep the sand in the bottom so the sinkers sit on top...........So I think you have something there Bombie.

  4. #19

    Re: Three year old Quintrex Electrolisis Probs

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarrah Jack View Post
    No good you hate your boat, sell it like my mate did.

    My '79 quinny fishabout, which caught a lot of fish yesterday, is never washed, never covered, I call it the slum boat but its still going well. Never been welded. I keep the sand in the bottom so the sinkers sit on top...........So I think you have something there Bombie.
    I would have probibly not felt to bad IF I did just that, and not had baby the thing !! Nah I'll keep it so that !! EVERYWHERE I go & compete and EVERYONE I show knows(trust me I tell them),, N O T ,,what to buy & how,,,N O T ,to make a boat besides who would buy one , I would hate to put someone through what my family has WE just hope what comes around!! ,,& oneday IT and THEY will sink P.S. still hate my boat

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