Had a message other day from ol mate on the property, river just stopped running since record flood...now lets see if it will do it again....
Had a message other day from ol mate on the property, river just stopped running since record flood...now lets see if it will do it again....
yeah i have been to condamine on and off for last month with work, river is barely running if not at all. yella's have been on the chew though
DSC_0223.jpgDSC_0220.jpgDSC_0219.jpgDSC_0218.jpgHey guys been a while since ive been on here was out at chinchilla over the new years week doing a job and thought id take some pics of the weir, well ive never seen it this low before, heres some pics taken on the 6th of january
DSC_0079.jpgDSC_0081.jpgDSC_0082.jpgheres some from august last year
can anyone update the rivers situation between chinchilla and condamine?
More bad news , I saw this in the Bundy paper this morning..
undulla hasnt cleared since the floods
I don't think the Undulla ever clears does it?
"let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"
Yeah that one waterhole south of Meandarra on the road...
actually, behind the town itself can get very clear, but I wouldn't call it gin clear, more like Bundy clear, with the tannin that leaches in from the leaves...
have you been to the reserve on undulla south of meandarra odes? not the one on the road the one up further?
The creek directly behind the town is full of yellas, ive caught them there spinning, but i dont think its called the Undulla. The creek I know as the Undulla never seems to clear, but I am happy to be wrong
"let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"
me and my mates are skipping schoolies on the gold coast and instead going somewhere on a river in qld. can anyone recommend a good camping sport, flat ground and good water to fish on. preferably the condamine or dumaresq.
The true Undulla Creek usually has milky water and heads up towards Tara.
The Creek that come past Meandarra heading North to join The Undulla was known as The Brigalow Creek.
Or it was I my day.
The two creeks come together South of Condamine Township at a reserve and then head north west to the Balonne, I think.
Any way it is all good water.
Have fun Haji-Baba
Here's the Chinchilla Weir when full & running
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