Mate haven't been back out to Condi but am keen to get out there with a kayak or something, as at the meoment it wouldbe fantastic. Fished out on the moonie a couple of times last fwe weeks but nothing much. Stuffer tells me Bobbo fished for a few days west of Condi and got more than a hundred carp i think. Sounds like a lot but I'm sure that's what he said. One of them weighed 9 KILOS. Not pound. Few yellas too. Might be some rain out there which would be good heading into spring. Keep the oats going for a week or two if we get more than half an inch and give some start to spring growth. Might muddy up the river a little though if charlies and a few of those wieambilla etc start to flow. ALthough charlies looked alright last time I went through chilla. Nice pics chong hey. Love teh camping trips.