Recently been visiting my old man up in Mackay, been terrible weather and less than desirable fishing conditions with some big winds around.
Had a few sessions anyways in the rain around the Mackay dams. All being land based sessions apart from one.
After the first 2hours of fishing it land based in the rain and skiers going nuts resulting in a solid donut we didn’t have many hopes for a successful session. Lost all hope, just after we called it for last cast my slick got hit hard after a quick burn and drop technique. A solid fish going 72cm.
We decided to fish a little longer and the boys got amongst them also landing a few more. All around 65-74cm. After the sun went down we got a few on surface lures also biggest going 75cm which was on a giant dog x.
Next session a few days later we also were fishing in the rain at 3 in the arvo, after wadding out, swimming around shit and standing on sharp stones I got a fast hit again on the fast retrieve and pause. This fish went harder and was taking solid line on 3kg of drag. After running up and down along the wall with it I landed a solid 103cm barra land based.
We got a few more that session also and 2 bustoffs.
3rd session I went solo for an hour in the morning. Was sunny but a few rain clouds were starting to move in. Landed a 70cm on the 4th cast and then I tried to follow the school but they didn’t wanna play the game. Casted to this single tree along the wall and it got nailed. Unfortunately the angle I was on made the fish run around the single tree and I was free spooling it and trying to get it around the branch. In the end I decided to be a man about it and I swam around the tree and then applied pressure again and landed a 72cm fish.
I think we had another session somewhere in between them but can’t remember, here are some pics. (Not in order)
Cheers Stotty