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Thread: Monduran Dirt Ramp Near Cabins How Is It.

  1. #1

    Monduran Dirt Ramp Near Cabins How Is It.

    Would like to know what the dirt ramp near the cabins is like at the moment. and does anyone have a photo of it at 23%. or lower . Are you still able to use it or do you have to use the dirt ramp near the concrete one. Thanks Shane

  2. #2

    Re: Monduran Dirt Ramp Near Cabins How Is It.

    Shane. I wont use it anymore...its too narrow. My 5mtr boat hits the other side of the gully when lauched., and its shallow enough to bottom out my 3.7 mtr tinny and 15hp.....that was 3 weeks ago, it would be worserer now.

    cheers Steve

  3. #3

    Re: Monduran Dirt Ramp Near Cabins How Is It.

    Thanks for the update .

  4. #4

    Re: Monduran Dirt Ramp Near Cabins How Is It.

    there are still a few people using it but i wouldnt put my 460 runabout in it
    there are a few little tinnies in it the biggest i seen was 380 quinny
    there have been lots of fish caught but sadly not by me
    cheers jimmy

  5. #5

    Re: Monduran Dirt Ramp Near Cabins How Is It.

    need about a nother 5000mega ltrs to reach 24% bring on the storms . Inflows of about 17cm in the last few days. And thanks for the info haggis i guess you are there at the moment.

  6. #6

    Re: Monduran Dirt Ramp Near Cabins How Is It.

    I started using it in the week beginning 16 November but within four days, with all the water being let out for irrigation purposes, I could not use it, especially after scalloping a blade on my prop.

    Concrete ramp for this little duck for a while yet.

    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  7. #7

    Re: Monduran Dirt Ramp Near Cabins How Is It.

    Thanks for the reply Big Ren. I just checked sun water and mondy has just hit 24%.

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