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Knots - when all else fails
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Thread: Knots - when all else fails

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member whiteman's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Townsville Qld

    Knots - when all else fails

    Spent a day on the reef last week and my improved albright (braid doubled before loops) held up to everything that the big boys could throw at it. Went again earlier this week and the same knot failed 4 times and I couldn't for the life of me work out why at that time.

    So I got a 90lb swivel and tied the braid directly to this with a locked blood knot and the leader the same. Did not fail again and got plenty of major hook ups that busted at the paternoster hook loop (and pulled in some GTs and sharks).

    Now I'm back at the drawing board, my knot tying confidence shot. But I know I have a basic rig that will handle plenty of pain. It's a funny sport this one.

  2. #2

    Re: Knots - when all else fails

    Was the knot slipping?
    Maybe try a dab of super glue on the braid to mono leader connection, we use it for impoundment barra, 30/50lb braid to 60/80lb leader, works great, and no knot failures.

  3. #3

    Re: Knots - when all else fails

    I use a 'bastard' knot for this , I call it that because I have long forgot what it's called and it's fidgety but it never ever fails in my experience (after the initial post tying pressure test) and is fairly slimline for the runners.

    possibly someone can identify it?

    Run both ends past and parallel to each other, hold the middle as a hole/gap then start winding each tag end back toward the middle and pass each through then pull it tight, each wound end will pull down to centre, then the tag ends get cut close.

    Bit of a pain to tie with 80 or 100Lb mono on 60kg braid but it is a 100% reliable in my experience.

    cheers fnq

  4. #4

    Re: Knots - when all else fails

    I had a couple of Albrights fail last year in brand new Whiplash 65lb. The line was cutting the 80lb leader. Once the line wore a bit and lost the greasy coating it locked in fine
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member whiteman's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Townsville Qld

    Re: Knots - when all else fails

    Could be something like that. It is new braid but the knot held over a 12 hour session a couple of days before. I'm concentrating on my golf swing at the moment and will get back into fishing mode next week and will tie a few and give them a good test. I don't use glue as I shouldn't have to if I've tied the knot correctly in the first place.

  6. #6

    Re: Knots - when all else fails

    Quote Originally Posted by whiteman View Post
    Could be something like that. It is new braid but the knot held over a 12 hour session a couple of days before. I'm concentrating on my golf swing at the moment and will get back into fishing mode next week and will tie a few and give them a good test. I don't use glue as I shouldn't have to if I've tied the knot correctly in the first place.

    Im hearing ya mate, but then again I shouldnt have to insure the house if I turn off the stove and lock the door when I go out.

    Bit of glue = bit of insurance on heavier leaders. Mind you, I throw about one trillion casts a day, so my Allbirtes tend to rattle thru the guides a lot!

    Good luck what ever way you go.

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