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Wife Needs Help with Marlin Fishing Trip!!
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Thread: Wife Needs Help with Marlin Fishing Trip!!

  1. #1

    Wife Needs Help with Marlin Fishing Trip!!

    Good Morning All,

    I'm Emily, Jason's Wife. (I'll take apologies later!)
    I have jumped on his account to ask for some help for his 30th Birthday next year.

    Jason turns 30 in August next year, and has been banging on how he would love to catch a marlin.

    From what he tells me, the biggest and best marlin are in Cairns. Is this true?

    Can anyone give me a steer in the right direction as to what would be the best time of the year to go to Cairns, what is the best boat to go on and the approx cost. 2 - 3 days of fishing should be enough for him. Names of boats would help me please.

    We live in Brisbane and will be going up for between a week and 10 days.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks Emily
    FISHING IS NOT A HOBBY...................IT'S AN OBSESSION!!

  2. #2

    Re: Wife Needs Help with Marlin Fishing Trip!!

    fishing for large marlin say 500 up to 1000 kg out of cairns and lizard island can cost big time but thats where they are alright and there are very good and pretty exe game boats for sole charters that operate out of cairns - but if your on a budget have a look at the fishing cairns website which might be of some interest - he's a lucky guy !
    cheers rob

  3. #3

    Re: Wife Needs Help with Marlin Fishing Trip!!


    If you want to get your husband a marlin then ring this bloke: Robert Smith. 0407574868.

    He's been catching them for his clients contunially this year. One of the most knowledgeable blokes around. He's based out of Mooloolaba. He takes a small crew and you can book his entire boat for about 1/8th of the cost of a Cairns boat.

    He's a member of Ausfish and does regular reports. He can take you fishing for inshore black marlin or even huge blue marlin.

    Go to Cairns if you want to go for a holiday - but if you want to catch marlin ring Rob.


  4. #4

    Re: Wife Needs Help with Marlin Fishing Trip!!

    Thanks Rob and Brett.

    I will investigate these as well.

    Anyone else have a contact in the Cairns area??

    FISHING IS NOT A HOBBY...................IT'S AN OBSESSION!!

  5. #5

    Re: Wife Needs Help with Marlin Fishing Trip!!

    Contact: Yorky's Knob Game Fishing Club just outside Cairns. They can certainly put you onto a good game boat.However, I would personally go with Rob (Smithy) out of Mooloolaba.I got my first marlin three days ago, and haven't slept since!

  6. #6

    Re: Wife Needs Help with Marlin Fishing Trip!!

    If he wants to catch bigger Marlin then yes Cairns is the place to go. The last half of September through until about Mid november is the window you want to book in. 2-3 days live aboard should give him a good chance of getting one.

    Better charter boats to look at for that time of year are "Reel Chase, "Kekoa", "Viking 2", "Iona" and "shaka". There are many more but these are regular performers year in year out. Have a read through for an idea on what happened up there this season just gone.

    Now that being said if he just wants to catch a marlin and doesnt mind what size then you could always look at keeping Smithy on stand by for when ever the small black marlin show up closer to home.

    From about mid september they start to make their way onto the grounds around fraser island and when they are on days with 10 or more releases are not un common. From about mid november they start to show on the Sunshine Coast and then from about mid december they turn up on the gold coast.

    For the money of a cairns Live aboard charter for 2-3 days he could fish with smithy for more than a week.

    Cairns he will be fishing for Black marlin between 100 and 1000 pound. Closer to home he will be fishing for Black Marlin Between 20 and 100lb.

    I had my first taste of Cairns in the september just gone and fell in love with the place. In just a day and a half of fishing we caught around 15 species of fish including 4 black marlin between 100 and 450lb and a sailfish.

  7. #7

    Re: Wife Needs Help with Marlin Fishing Trip!!

    Thanks again all that have contributed.

    The general rule seems to be that if he wants big.....then go to Cairns.....but.....if he just wants to catch some stay closer to home and fish a lot more for the money.

    PM sent to "Smithy" for further information.

    Thanks to all that have replied.

    FISHING IS NOT A HOBBY...................IT'S AN OBSESSION!!

  8. #8

    Re: Wife Needs Help with Marlin Fishing Trip!!


    Dont discount the Blue marlin run we have off brisbane in March / April, now he mightn't catch a 1000 lber but a 500 lber wouldn't be totally out of the question with the average fish being 250 lb. Blue marlin pound for pound go the hardest and a day off the shelf chasings blue will be very memorable!

    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  9. #9

    Re: Wife Needs Help with Marlin Fishing Trip!!

    Pound for pound Ian i would have to disagreee. Blue Marlin might go harder for the first minute but after that I reckon they are a real disapointment. After 5 mins a black would pull a blue backwards......for the next few hours I reckon.Can you tell where my heart lies?

  10. #10

    Re: Wife Needs Help with Marlin Fishing Trip!!

    Yep your obsessed Jeffo, but we all know that!!!!
    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

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