big mullet bite?
big mullet bite?
Was it caused by your fishing buddy stabbing you, because you kept him in suspence for too long?
Catfish? mozzie bite?
"True Blue"
I'm guessing a muddie due to the R in decembeR. Also would have been after high tide so lifting the pots would maybe be expected.
Be good to eat that crab, with vengence.
Make sure you get it cleaned out because infection will be your enemy if it is not cleaned very very well.
It might have been your Mrs
if your name was tiger woods I'd say it would be a groper
eel, after close examination
Hahaha Trying to commit suicide from lack of fish,or maybe lightening strike
Dirty big catty spike or a muddy. hope you have had your shots.
i know what gave u that nasty bite!! them bloody snap frozen W.A pillies!!! theyre one nasty critters!!
(when Im dead) my biggest FEAR is that my wife will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it.........
Thats the bite of an angry RABBIT if ever i'v seen one! Can Rabbits swim???