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Thread: HDS5 possible software problem

  1. #1

    HDS5 possible software problem

    I used my unit on the weekend for only the second or third time and the first since I updated the software. I was fishing in 60m and set the upper and lower limits on the unit. The display that it returned wasn't right, instead of only showing my selected range, it showed the full range from 0-60m with the range above the upper limit as a blank. So instead of getting the bottom 15 metres filling the screen I get 2/3 of the screen blank and the bottom 1/3 with the signal. I had to use zoom to fill the screen. This is not the way it should be. I have phoned Lowrance and the tech, who admitted that he hadn't used this function, wasn't aware of the problem. He is going to check it out and get back to me, but I was wondering has anyone else encountered this problem with their HDS unit?

    This isn't a Lowrance bashing exercise, just looking to get a unit that seems to do everything else to do all the things the way it should. I love the bottom lock on the HDS, something that Furono have had for years, and am able to split into 3 screens to get the best out of these units. I have a full range, a display of 10-15m and a bottom lock, could probably split into a 4th if I wanted but that is overkill.

  2. #2

    Re: HDS5 possible software problem

    Hopefully just a teething issue.
    I'm looking at buying one of these units.
    Do you have the structure scan?

  3. #3

    Re: HDS5 possible software problem

    Quote Originally Posted by novice23 View Post
    Hopefully just a teething issue.
    I'm looking at buying one of these units.
    Do you have the structure scan?

    I do not think it has been released yet. I have a mate over there in the USA that bought a HDS-7 and paid a deposit on the structure scan when he bought it some months ago and I am waiting to hear from him. Two weeks ago there was nothing and he said some of the HDS models were in short supply over there.

  4. #4

    Re: HDS5 possible software problem

    My structure scan unit is due early next week, looking forward to getting it.

  5. #5

    Re: HDS5 possible software problem

    Please somebody, can you confirm that the structure scan will end up being handled like the HD release? That is, before the HD units were out you could buy an add on black box that would convert your images to HD, just as the structure scan add on is being handled now, buy a black box for around $900.00 and you can have structure scan on your HD set.
    Have also heard a whisper that the side scan images will be rotated 90 degrees in the future so you don't have to tilt your head to read the image, that is the image you see on the screen will show up as up down as down left as left etc.
    Now wouldn't you be well and truly pi###ed off it you outlayed all that cash and a few months later the new model is brought out with all the bells and whistles already built in to the unit.


  6. #6

    Re: HDS5 possible software problem

    It's only $900 bucks gotta spend ur money on something may as well be something for your boat.

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