Missus & I took my parents for a fish while they are up on holidays. Left Mooloolaba at 5:45am in fantastic conditions. Put the lures in the water at the 50m mark to give them a wash all the way out to the banks. Could not turn a trick although their was plenty of bait around but nothing being balled or worked.
First drift on the banks for a couple of undersized pearlies but were drifting way to fast. Back up to the mark and down went the pick. Current was really racing and no amount of weight would keep us within 20ft of the bottom and after 30 minutes with hardly a nibble it was decided a troll down to wide caloundra was the better option.
Troll down to our first mark was uneventful. Bottom bounced a couple of areas for nothing but at least the current was not too bad here. Back on the troll to another mark 5 miles away. First drift and scored a keeper snapper and lost another. Second drift saw one pearlie and the rest were throw backs. Next two drits saw nothing other than a couple of frigate tuna off the bottom, presumably this is what some of the bait schools were. Trolled the masses of bait schools all the way back to Mooloolaba for naught.
Quality of the pic not good as the mozzies were biting a lot harder than the fish!