Just wanted to ask for some advice prior to an upcoming annual trip to Awoonga and Monduran,thank u in advance for any forthcoming advice
My annual 2 week barra trip begins this weekend. We don't usually go this time of year, with the potential Xmas/New Years crowds being a semi deterrent but we just couldnt get our (my friend and I) schedules to sync. So with our gf's (unbelievable!Still unclear how I got the go ahead!) blessings, Barra 2009 begins in December.
So, aside from Monduran and Awoonga, I would so love to be able to make a detour to Lake Cania. I've never caught a Saratoga before, and from all accounts, the topwater fishing for both bass and 'toga can be very good there.
Is it worth the trip to Cania then? Every year I've been to CQ, its barra barra barra(YAY!). This year, I'm making a concerted effort to catch a Saratoga, even though I know it'll be exceedingly difficult to leave the barra dams, and even if its only for a day or two. Lake Cania regulars, should I ditch the barra for a couple of days and go for the bass and saratoga then?
Another fish of my dreams is the crazy Mangrove Jack. Yet another fish I've yet to fish for, can anyone please point me in the right direction? I know abt the Jacks in Awoonga, but the odds of us catching one there is slim to none, so I'm more than willing to fish any of the nearby rivers, by boat or on foot.
Some ppl are sensitive abt posting too much info on the forums, which I fully understand. The last time I divulged a treasured spot, it got raped,so,even if advice is general in nature, its all good. Any pm's will not be abused and for what its worth, I'm from Sydney, so I dont know any QLDers to even spill the beans to

Sorry for the long post, hope someone can help!