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Barra Basics – Pop Quiz - Page 9
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Thread: Barra Basics – Pop Quiz

  1. #121

    Re: Barra Basics – Pop Quiz

    Steve B,
    spot on, there has been enough info shared of late that now needs tonnes of water time to make it work.
    The 'practise makes perfect' phrase kicks in here. We all want more info, but in real terms, enough is enough for a while until we master what lays in front of us. Happy days ahead!

    Going back a post or three- all of the above is basic barra talk- as the word in the thread heading says. Basic fishing principles, basic concepts- basic human movements- basic building blocks. As one of my friends said this morning-
    "All of this fishing basics in this topic is the stuff that should come before the skeeter, the HD sounder, the flash rods, the modern electronics etc.
    "This is the important basics; often overlooked"

  2. #122

    Re: Barra Basics – Pop Quiz

    An interesting thread this one in the fact it didn't deteriorate into a blue or banter meaningless to the subject. Stuck a cord with many so as to speak.

    One very good reason that came about was that the discussion was facilitated very well by Parksy, keeping us on track and providing continued focus points that linked with what was said earlier.

    If it has run its course congratulations Parksy, it was a ripper. We all gained

  3. #123
    Ausfish Platinum Member darylive's Avatar
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    Re: Barra Basics – Pop Quiz

    Quote Originally Posted by Dick Pasfield View Post

    One very good reason that came about was that the discussion was facilitated very well by Parksy, keeping us on track and providing continued focus points that linked with what was said earlier.

    If it has run its course congratulations Parksy, it was a ripper. We all gained

    Don't wish that on us Dick! We all promise to do some hard water time / practice now; in fact I have been out flogging the water all day and now straight back on here to see what new contributions there are.

    Now where are we? Current! Interestingly I spent time this morning following currents and settled in a nice eddy behind a fallen tree to find bait fish had done the same, then after several casts I spooked a Jack hiding in the snag I had been working. I only went close to free a snag and spooked my prey. But it was satisfying to know I picked the right spot. Then I come home to find that is the latest topic in the best thread we have had in a long time. (I was in the Maroochy river not Barra water, chasing Jack, but I believe similar principles apply).

    Although the currents in the river are easier to recognise the principles are the same. When I paddled white water rapid kayaks we became very proficient at identifying eddies to get shelter and rest. An ideal spot to sit and wait for who ever or what ever is coming down current; some times they wash in, some times you go out to to them. An interesting analogy I think?

    As for whether it is basic, well it is a simple as watching a leaf float along and see where it goes.

    A lot can be learned without a rod and reel in hand.

    Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.
    The Rest is just Wasted!
    To The Shed.............

  4. #124
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Barra Basics – Pop Quiz

    Quote Originally Posted by Dick Pasfield View Post
    An interesting thread this one in the fact it didn't deteriorate into a blue or banter meaningless to the subject. Stuck a cord with many so as to speak.

    One very good reason that came about was that the discussion was facilitated very well by Parksy, keeping us on track and providing continued focus points that linked with what was said earlier.

    If it has run its course congratulations Parksy, it was a ripper. We all gained
    Dick, thanks for the comments.

    The quality of the thread should be linked solely to the individuals participating in a positive manner and perhaps the initial topic.

    I (and maybe others it seems) learnt plenty bouncing off other (often more learned) individuals.

    Regards Parksy

  5. #125

    Re: Barra Basics – Pop Quiz

    Just finished crunching my 2009 data and added it to the previous years I’ve collected. Thought this thread would be an appropriate place to present a summary –

    Collected over three years

    Locations were recorded

    Fish sizes were graded to under and over a metre

    Moon phases were recorded – new to first, first to full, full to last, last to new. All phases were fished between 50 and 63 times each so there is a reasonable spread of data.

    Day, night and dawn/dusk sessions were individually recorded – plenty ran from one to the other on the same day. Dusk/dawn is a bit subjective taking up about an hour only at the beginning and end of each day, still an important enough time to be recorded in its own right. All sessions were fished between 90 and 129 times each, once again a reasonable spread.

    Moon phases – first to last quarter gave about twice as many fish/session compared to last to first quarter. There was a very high bias of fish caught of a night compared to the dawn/dusk and day sessions in the first to last quarter. Last to first quarter still had more fish caught of a night but the spread was much less pronounced.

    Day, night and dawn/dusk sessions – Night time was three times as fruitful as the dawn/dusk sessions, which in turn was twice as fruitful as day sessions (measured as fish/session).

    Some observations –

    Every moon phase gave more fish overall of a night, there was one exception. Last to new had a bias shift of metre plus fish only to the day time session.

    On a day by day basis over the lunar month – the full moon is a stand out day (night actually) as a fish producer. Five days after the full moon is a stand out day as not producing fish. There’s a steady rise in fish numbers/day from first quarter to full moon and there’s another few days of higher than average captures around the last quarter.

    Best months really are location dependant but overall October/November and somewhere in that February – April period dependant on wet season. Poorest months are July/August and December/January, once again location dependant.

    As mentioned this is data only, a whole host of other factors come into play on site not the least location, weather on the day etc. Having said that it’s nice to see some trends coming through and holding up over time.

  6. #126
    Ausfish Bronze Member rodneyk's Avatar
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    Talking Re: Barra Basics – Pop Quiz

    number 2 100% ask any good fisho who is out of luck

  7. #127

    Re: Barra Basics – Pop Quiz

    Rodney K,
    You are right, timing is important- " You shoulda been here last week". That phrase rings true very often. Even when anglers "are here last week", they can still miss out on good fishing by being in the wrong part of the dam, or with a wayward technique, or even the wrong gear/lures so we try to not put all of our eggs in one basket so to speak.
    It is a burning feeling sometimes to hear fishing stories all around you when we ourselves catch nothing. It can get frustrating for some, which probably makes things worse in the short term. In the long term it can drive some anglers to get better or learn more.

  8. #128
    Ausfish Platinum Member Big_Ren's Avatar
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    Re: Barra Basics – Pop Quiz

    Quote Originally Posted by A_DIFF_PERSPECTIVE View Post
    Rodney K,
    You are right, timing is important- " You shoulda been here last week". That phrase rings true very often. Even when anglers "are here last week", they can still miss out on good fishing by being in the wrong part of the dam, or with a wayward technique, or even the wrong gear/lures so we try to not put all of our eggs in one basket so to speak.
    It is a burning feeling sometimes to hear fishing stories all around you when we ourselves catch nothing. It can get frustrating for some, which probably makes things worse in the short term. In the long term it can drive some anglers to get better or learn more.
    Hey Johnny, happy new year to ya mate. My own burning question for you.......have you managed to tempt a silverfish with a cockroach yet????
    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  9. #129
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
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    Re: Barra Basics – Pop Quiz

    Just found this thread again and re-read all nine pages.

    What a wealth of info and great contributions from so many learned barra fishos. Worth a review by everyone since the big water rises of February/March.

    Interesting to see how positive this thread was in December compared to some of the bickering that has occurred recently.

    I know which I prefer...



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