Started the day at 4:15 this morning and was on the brissy by 5 for a solo. 4 Crab pots in by 5:30 and it was time to track down some fish. Wanted my first thready on a lure today so no bait was taken or castnetted.
First up I tried trolling an ultra deep boomerang along a ledge that is now well renowned for producing threadys. Found nice bait schools with the odd big arch near them but diddn’t turn a reel.
Next I thought I’d try heading out of the mouth to some close beacons that seem to always have bait on them. Was flicking a bibbless lure around the beacon when a squid took a shining to my brand new lure. Managed to get a hook to stick in him and threw him out live on an 8/0 circle. Had the leccy down and was dragging the sqid behind the boat as I continued with the bibbless. Scored a tasty looking cod on the lure and as I was dehooking him the squidley went off bigtime. Long powerful first run and there was bugger all 30lb braid left on the reel. Chased and played this sucker for 15-20mins and finally got some colour. HUGE Jew is what I identified it as under the boat. But alas the 40lb leader was abraided through not seconds later. SHATTERED I headed back into the river to check the pots. Finding 3 massive sandies to console myself with.
Righto time to get a thready on the lure. Persisted for an hour or so around the same area as first up to no avail apart from a couple of small flattys and a squire. Moved and found good shows and an awesome looking eddy. Worked it for half an hour before coming up tight to a nice fish. Steered it out from the bank with the leccy and after a while a solid thready broke the surface. YEEHAA at 117cm it was my first on a lure.
After dealing with that beast I headed back into the same position and wouldn’t you know it the very next cast came up tight after a couple of cranks. This thing went nuts and took quite a while to bring up from the depths but come up it did. My second one on a lure in 2 casts and went close to130cm. Crazy stuff!! It got crazier.
Went back in again for a cast for it to go untouched. 1 cast later it got clobbered again and I think I peaked. This one I released boatside without lifting it from the water as it was not bloated like the other two and it may have lived. I called it quits after that as I did not want to risk killing another. Pulled the pots again on the way back to the ramp for another stonker sandy going 18.5cm. home by midday. What a morning. GOTTA LOVE THE BRIZZY.