of course with all species! and yeah mostly you can narrow it down like stotty was saying an hour seshing usually covers it if you know where they are going to be with the tides. wish the jacks where a little easier sometimes LOL
Nice work mate.
Congrats on the PB's.
Well done and top effort and good to see you getting a few.
Nice mixed bag BLOOEY well done.
Cheers Axl
nice haul there mate, I love the brissy pulled a giant herring and a flatty @ 55cm on sunday. Teh variety is awesome! Well Done.
Gee you couldn't have planned it nt better (bar the big jew that found home) what a day and a hard one to beat. Mat be a few spotty's on the way back into the river and an 8 kilo snapp but other than that what a way to go. Enjoy there's a few good fillets in that lot.
gotta give thease guys a go one day