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Thread: Forums, Sponsors & the Mysterious vanishing posts

  1. #1

    Forums, Sponsors & the Mysterious vanishing posts

    Hey Guys!

    Sponsors play an integral part in allowing forums like this to be well used. Without them we can’t have these great piscatorial discussions and learn new ideas. I enjoy using a range of fishing forums on the web and most of the people here are subscribed to more than one.

    In recent times on certain forums there has been a quiet and subtle increase in posts and entire threads simply vanishing if certain sponsors don’t like the discussions of their products. Now, I’m not just talking about major criticisms, I’m talking about minor inadvertent discussions which don’t go in the sponsors favour.

    This is only one example but earlier this year I started a discussion of a ‘how much do you spend between Shimano and Daiwa’ on a different forum. I started by saying that I had spent $400 on a Shimano Stradic combo, but by page 3 of the thread Daiwa was substantially in the lead. Then vanish. Not blocked, no warning, entire thread vanished and nobody will be able to trace it. It would not come as a surprise that Shimano was a sponsor.

    Interested, I started setting up accounts and testing others and was amazed at the amount of deleted, blocked and vanishing threads and posts. Even if you have an unbiased structural criticism they can disappear. The hardest part is that it is difficult for anybody else to know other than the person posting. And most interesting Shimano seems to be the biggest culprit.

    You turn on the T.V and see Shimano has controlled most of the market. You see them in the Magazines which have become over commercialised. And now it seems they are permeating onto online fishing forums. It is important to note though, it is not just Shimano.

    Now I’m not debating Sponsors presence vs. their absence, rather bringing to attention the incremental increase in the deletion of posts and threads, not because they are anti, but quite simply because they don’t portray the sponsors product in a particular manner how that the sponsor would like. If I feel a particular reel is way overpriced for its performance, then I should not have my thread completely vanish. In some forums it's becoming the theatre of absurd.

    Australia is a great democracy, and we proud ourselves with being able to speak freely. Please to everyone listening including the members, sponsors and moderators. Please keep the removal of posts due to sponsors within the bounds, because on other forums they have passed the threshold leaving a sobering assessment of our direction.

    I should also note this is not just a problem that I’ve noticed, talking to others who use various online forums it has come to their attention too. And this is by no means a criticism of Ausfish, I am referring to the wider fishing forums in general. I bring this to everones attention becasue a lot of people don't realise it's happening.

    I am interested in what other people think.

  2. #2

    Re: Forums, Sponsors & the Mysterious vanishing posts

    I agree with you there matey.

    We as fisho's should have the freedom to comment on products, no matter who produces it or who sponsors what sites.

    However, if a comment is seen to be directly attacking a brand producer and not commenting of the pros and cons on a product with constructive comment, then I am all for an initial warning and if continued, then the post (not the thread) should be removed and a tag left in place notifying others of the deletion.
    Fillet and Release Squad

  3. #3

    Re: Forums, Sponsors & the Mysterious vanishing posts

    Its a bit of a "catch22" for the site owners, bite the hand that feeds them or let people say what ever they like. At the end of the day most / all forums are owned buy some one & its up to them what stays & goes. If we as members dont like the "political climate" of a forum we are free to move on or even start our own.

    Doesnt mean i like some of the "sensorship" thats happened. And i agree fair reviews or discussion of products should be allowed. Leigh

  4. #4

    Re: Forums, Sponsors & the Mysterious vanishing posts

    I guess the pen may be mightier than the sword, but in the end, the dollar is the mightiest of them all! I also have seen posts just vanish from other sites, some, I might add rightly so, others just because someone disagrees with something that does not suit everyones liking, but to be fair, I reckon Ausfish is pretty well run, unless you are a real tool and personaly insult someone then most things stand as posted.

  5. #5

    Re: Forums, Sponsors & the Mysterious vanishing posts

    i personally dont agree with having forum sponsors, but i guess there nust be sone benefits to us(?),the contributants to the forum, other than having a painfully slow site that i beleive is caused by the animated advertising thats plastered all over the pages. i really dont take any notice of sponsorship. but i think its totally unjust in censoring comments or opinions when they are just that.

    in fact im feeling rather annoyed knowing something im discussing with others is being monitored and censored in this way.

    sure if some members are blatantly bagging a product (maybe their product is crap?) and trying to swing people away from a purchase id expect some sort of action from the sponsor/supplier (perhaps taking note and improving their product or replying to the posts in their defence),isnt that the whole idea behind a forum? to share all information, all experiences, all views and all opinions and chat? wether pros or cons. yes, we have a right to make up our own mind and not be swayed with censorship thats bias towards this or that. are they not themselves trying to control the consumer's (which is hat we all are) access to free information? thats my rant, how long will this thread be available before being deleted? steve.
    "izzz izzz izzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"... sounds of heaven.

    "You're gonna need a bigga esky!"

  6. #6

    Re: Forums, Sponsors & the Mysterious vanishing posts

    If there is a problem with deletions (I haven't noticed a prob but that's just me) perhaps a representative from the sponsor could explain why (say) a reel has a premium price. Perhaps there are features, construction materials etc that consumers haven't taken into account.

    On the other hand, if a person slags off on a product/company/person with no good cause, I reckon it's fair enough to delete their ill-founded comments.

    At the end of the day, it costs money to run a site/magazine/TV show and it's got to come from somewhere.

  7. #7

    Re: Forums, Sponsors & the Mysterious vanishing posts

    I have not seen this sort of thing on Ausfish. If anyone can bring up an actual case then please do so. Most threads that are deleted seem because they have become personal or are pushing a particular agenda that does tot sit within the framework Steve has set up. this is part of the reason AF is going strong when other sites come and go
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  8. #8

    Re: Forums, Sponsors & the Mysterious vanishing posts

    It is interesting the contact I get from various manufacturers, charter operators, boat yards, etc, once a thread is started that is not giving them a good wrap. Strange thing is they haven't wanted to talk to me for 15 years, but suddenly they are interested in advertising/sponsorship. Then they want a thread removed as part of the deal. Hence why you do not see much in the line of sponsorship from most of the manufacturers, charter operators, boat yards, etc, I prefer it this way.

    I even had a person from a marine dealer turn up at my massage business at 6 o'clock one night, just dropped in to say hi, haven't spoken to you for a while, blah blah blah. BTW there is a thread regarding our business....
    You guessed the rest. The video and audio from the security cameras is an interesting keep sake :-)

    Strange thing is in 15 years I haven't heard from many saying thanks for letting people speak about us and thanks for the resulting business, how can we support the forums.

    There seems to be a big lack of understanding in most industries regarding how businesses can use forums correctly. Rather than threatening me with legal action every time there is a thread by someone that had a bad experience with your business, why not talk to me and other forum owners about joining the forum as a supporter/sponsor and post up a reply trying to resolve the issue and ensure it will not happen again. I am sure the business would get more kudos and future business that way. Just look at Whirlpool or fishing and other forums in the states.

    I have lost count of the number of times I have had threatening phone calls and E-mails, letters from lawyers, etc, etc. As I say to them all, you have the right of reply, why not put post a reply and fix the problem, deleting the thread will just make people suspicious and as a result possibly cause more harm than good.

    I am much happier being broke with a clear conscience, then rich with bad karma.


  9. #9

    Re: Forums, Sponsors & the Mysterious vanishing posts

    It looks like you have a solid head on your shoulders Steve.

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