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Lake Misery weekend
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Thread: Lake Misery weekend

  1. #1

    Lake Misery weekend

    Hi All just back from another very eventful weekend at mondy i had justyped out a big report and lost it so here is the short version
    A last minute trip staying with Tim an his work mates who were there to do some bc and f store promo video's so i got to use there camp site friday while waiting for them to arrive i hit the normal bottom end spots i frequent bird A ect for Jack crap and a couple of knocks ,back in to get out of the oppressive heat about 41c on the lake both friday and Saturday at lunch out for the arvo session throwing platics for jack crap again ,

    Back to camp to fuel up on food and liquid for Saturday mornings assualt as i was fishing solo i Heard a sparrow fart about 3.45am so got up and launched the boat and hit the island at the end of the main basin for a eel tailed catfish ,then the trollers came out so i moved to bird bay and A then up to the islands at the back of the first cut through for nought seen a 95 caught on a slow retrieved hard body i was getting hot so started heading back to camp and thr trollers were all over A so monkey see monkey do i get out a f18 in bleeding mullet and troll a bank away from every one else 2nd pass at 10.30 am i hook up and play a 108cm to the net i am on the board and the nut is out the window back to cmp to cool down.

    afteroon was spent throwing plastics in bird for nought back at camp at 7pm
    Had a bit of cobb oven cooked pizza that was yum and a rum or 3 the boys had dropped 2 fish on the new Yakka coloured (gold slick rig) so add them to the kit.

    Sunday i was up at 4.30 woke Tim as he was going to deckie for me as i had to be in at 8am to go get my daughter from Burnett heads to take home with me we went back to bird as it was blowing 15kn nth west still and overcast for nought at 7 we went backto A and trolled for a while i picked up a fiesty 88cm barra on the same lure as the day before it was bedlam there with all the trollers going every where but fish were being caught and lost regular we left at 8am and went back to the ramp where tim had to do a bit for work so i pulled camp and came home.

    A big thanks to Andrew M for letting store my gear at his site for the day on friday.
    a lot of fish were caught on the troll this weekend i only seen 1 fish landed casting and that was on a hardbody i seen a lot of fish lost by the trollers.

    the dirt ramp was usable this weekend but i would not advise it after this week it is getting very low and a few large rocks are there
    Also thanks to Tim and his work crew for including me in there weekend


  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Lake Misery weekend

    Shane , fish or no fish , the square bear will always keep you company !

    sounds like a cracker trip to me.

  3. #3

    Re: Lake Misery weekend

    Sounds like it was hot as mate, stinkin hot everywhere this w/e.
    Well done on those fish tho!

  4. #4
    Ausfish Silver Member haggis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Lake Misery weekend

    great fishing shane
    hope youve left some for me
    cheers jimmy...........

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member TonyM's Avatar
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    Nov 2002

    Re: Lake Misery weekend

    Gday Shane,

    Thanks for the report! Great to see you got some results - those donut trips can be depressing (I should know)

  6. #6

    Re: Lake Misery weekend

    Hi Gaz yes there is alway a bottle of square bear at my camp for company even if i can not find it, but yers it was a good trip just the heat saps your strength so if any 1 is going drink plenty of fluids.

    Hi flatzie thanks mate good trip as normal any trip is

    Hi Tony i was a bit worried on friday and Saturday morning when not much was happening on the plastics as i do not normally troll but you have to change your tactics if that is what they are doing to land fish it is along way to go to come home empty and a fish to the boat is a fish to the boat.
    Haggis plenty of fish being caught on the troll


  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member Big_Ren's Avatar
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Lake Misery weekend

    Great stuff Shane. At least you had the presence of mind to change tactics and it worked. That heat can be really debilitating. We only went out after 3pm on our recent trip for that very reason.


    PS No one is going to miss you with that shirt on Does it come with batteries or just plug into a 240 socket?
    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  8. #8

    Re: Lake Misery weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Ren View Post
    Great stuff Shane. At least you had the presence of mind to change tactics and it worked. That heat can be really debilitating. We only went out after 3pm on our recent trip for that very reason.


    PS No one is going to miss you with that shirt on Does it come with batteries or just plug into a 240 socket?
    Hi Paul solar panel mate i think my face was the panel for the sun to hit and my shirt just glowed orange ,realy that orange shirt is quite good and cool to wear a bit bright but better than getting my arms burnt i think i will have to get a lime green one i found the water reflection was the worst for the sunburn as i was covered up pretty well all weekend with sun screen, i think i will invest in a light cotton balaclava for my face


  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member Big_Ren's Avatar
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    Re: Lake Misery weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by robersl View Post
    Hi Paul solar panel mate i think my face was the panel for the sun to hit and my shirt just glowed orange ,realy that orange shirt is quite good and cool to wear a bit bright but better than getting my arms burnt i think i will have to get a lime green one i found the water reflection was the worst for the sunburn as i was covered up pretty well all weekend with sun screen, i think i will invest in a light cotton balaclava for my face

    Hey Shane

    Yes those shirts are excellent and I love mine as well. That's the biggest thing I reckon about keeping that water reflection off during the day. it is probably similar to wind burn. I am pretty much covered from head to toe these days but more favour the cotton UPF long sleeve fishing shirts and long pants. They are all light weight, quick dry and air very well.

    Not a bad idea about the cotton balaclava. Have a google for Buff Headwear or just go to They are UV rated, lightweight and breathable and you can wear them as a neckchief, balaclava, bandana etc. you don't even know they are on. In my recent report, I think I am wearing a blue one at night in one of the photos.

    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Obi _ Wan's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Re: Lake Misery weekend

    Hi Shane,

    Thanks for the report mate, now i have got the all clear from the hospital i am getting up tight reading barra reports, so it will only be a matter of time until i get i get on to a dam shortly.

    Those trollers get some big fish at times, not only at Mondy but in all the dams.

    Thanks again Shane.


  11. #11

    Re: Lake Misery weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by Obi _ Wan View Post
    Hi Shane,

    Thanks for the report mate, now i have got the all clear from the hospital i am getting up tight reading barra reports, so it will only be a matter of time until i get i get on to a dam shortly.

    Those trollers get some big fish at times, not only at Mondy but in all the dams.

    Thanks again Shane.

    Hi John i don't normally troll but i could not get a take any other way this weekend i did not go up past the first cut through ,i saw a heap of fish hooked up by trollers and i reckon about 70 percent of those fish were lost i spoke to a bloke at the camp who said a bloke during the week had caught upwards of 20 fish in a day but not sure if that was trolling or casting,
    as for the reports there will be a few more as there arestill a few ausfishes up there i spoke to i know andrew m team had at least 1


  12. #12
    Ausfish Silver Member Callop's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Re: Lake Misery weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by Obi _ Wan View Post
    Hi Shane,

    Thanks for the report mate, now i have got the all clear from the hospital i am getting up tight reading barra reports, so it will only be a matter of time until i get i get on to a dam shortly.

    Those trollers get some big fish at times, not only at Mondy but in all the dams.

    Thanks again Shane.

    great news mate. Look out Mr Barra.
    Not to get technical...... but according to Chemistry, ALCOHOL IS A SOLUTION

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member Steve B's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Lake Misery weekend


    great stuff about the positive health news mate!


    Awesome results for what seemed to be a tough, hot weekend.!!!

    Trolling did well I see, good to see!!! Got a couple the other night myself trolling.!

    Cheers Steve

  14. #14

    Re: Lake Misery weekend

    Thanks Steve she was a tough weekend but i have never seen so many dropped fish i got the 88cm in the boat sunday morning and 2 other boats hooked up and bost dropped them i eenanother that morning jump then gone and a few on saturday maybe they are not resetting the hook after initial hookup or had no upgraded hooks and straighten them


  15. #15

    Re: Lake Misery weekend

    Sneaky, I like it!!
    Good stuff mate.
    I think Roo was wearing one of those bandana, buff thingies last trip up, or the trip before, cant remember.
    My feet, lips, ears and back of neck are the areas that get smacked, hat, sun block, sun gloves and lip balm help, plus the long shirt and pants.
    Plus the beer.
    Steve, howd you go with Chew Crew and the Scourge Of The South?

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