So Scotto,
Given the results of the two polls what opinion will you be presenting to sunfish as a representive of the people? Please be specific so we can all understand how you have interpreted the results..
So Scotto,
Given the results of the two polls what opinion will you be presenting to sunfish as a representive of the people? Please be specific so we can all understand how you have interpreted the results..
Ausfish Poll = 49.5 % Not in favor of a general rec license. Although most commented that they would like to see improved revenue management from the current PPV levy . 41.58% In favor of a general rec license IF modeled "along" the lines of the NSW model currently in use in that state. 8.9% suggested alternative revenue strategies to improve funding with out the introduction of a general rec license.
Fishntales Poll = 58.6% In favor of a general rec license IF modeled "along" the lines of the NSW model currently in use in that state. 41.4% . Not in favor of a general rec license. Although most commented that they would like to see improved revenue management from the current PPV levy. No alternative votes.
Qld Flyfishing community Poll = 93.48% In favor of a general rec license IF modeled "along" the lines of the NSW model currently in use in that state. 2.17% . Not in favor of a general rec license. Although most commented that they would like to see improved revenue management from the current PPV levy. 4.35% suggested alternative revenue strategies to improve funding with out the introduction of a general rec license.
This current POLL does NOT state how a general rec license COULD BE STRUCTURED OR THE BENEFITS THAT CAN BE ACHIEVED WITH CONTROLLED FUNDING - so why would any one want to vote for another fee under the current legislation
If you stick to the facts - you'll have less to remember - Scotto
Underlying fact from your results however show that people want the current funding model in the PPV to be better used/improved first if I'm not mistaken.
Which has been my point echoed from other forums. Use the existing funding better by removing waste and direct it to frontline services.
Do you think the results would be different if they knew existing levies and fees would not be removed as per the draft discussion paper from the state government?
See my remarks posted on the other poll started by Scotto.![]()
NO way................
Maturity is not when we start speaking BIG things,it is when we start understanding small things
Barry - A simple Yes/No poll on a rec license WITH OUT EXPLAINING HOW THE "PROPOSED" LICENSE COULD BE STRUCTURED & WHAT IT COULD ACHIEVE - Is a waste of time.
I also suggest that if the rec angling community where going to be pro-active in lobbying for a better revenue system - I would be asking for the PPV levy to be dropped along with the current SIP's program & replace BOTH with ONE general rec license as has been "discussed" in detail here.
Every one is entitled to "their" opinion & mine is the current revenue system is flawed on so many levels & the government is struggling with financing the state generally - So I will push for a general rec license that the wider angling community CAN have control over.
Just my opinion - Scotto
so, correct me if I'm wrong here, you ran a poll, found the results, then you decide to "push for a general license" because that is YOUR opinion? don't quite see what the poll was for in the first place then, pages of to and fro, then you do what you want!
I ran the poll to gauge the responses from the forum members in each case - which we now have for all to see.
"I" personally still believe that a general rec license is the best solution to raise revenue to allow sustainable management of our fisheries - while also allowing rec anglers to have the majority of control over how it is spent. This is based on a model along the lines of the NSW system - with some changes noted from comments here.
None of this "may" happen of course & this is all hypothetical - but at least if we are presented with some options , we are now more "informed" now than we where previously.
Regards Scotto
Last edited by Scott Mitchell; 04-12-2009 at 03:22 PM.
Sunfish receives funds from the PPV levy through the controlled Fisheries account to represent the wishes of the general recreational fishing community and to provide the Government with an input into decision making as well as other activities like the young angler program.
In posts in this and the other thread you have acknowledged that Ecofishers Qld represents the "grass roots recreational angler".
If Sunfish doesn't represent the grass roots angler then it must be only representing the wishes of its own members. Sunfish needs to pull its head out of sand and listen to all points of view otherwise it may wither on the vine when funding is reduced or withdrawn.
I wonder why Fisheries didn't want the RRFF working group stacked with Sunfish members.
You as a senior member of Sunfish should listen to the views of ALL recreational anglers and not push your personal opinion down our throats. I purposely chose to not be a member of any fishing association at the moment so that I may independantly consult and represent the views all sections of the recreational angling community on the important upcoming issues facing the recreational angler in Queensland.
The Government presently has allocated funds from the PPV levy and a massive $35million for upgrading boating facilities but no one is calling them to account for whether the funds are actually spent. What has Sunfish done in this regard???
Me thinks nothing!!!!
Barry - It is the members of this forum that keep saying that Sunfish does not represent the so called "grass root anglers " - I see Eco as an answer to this if that is what they want to pursue / believe ?
I am now the chair person for Sunfish Fraser Coast & will endeavour to contribute to to the best of my ability. Sunfish Fraser Coast is a "regional" branch with an aim to represent the local anglers with-in our region. I am happy to discuss the "option" of a general rec license "proposition" based on the models discussed here & will stand by my "own view" that it will be the best way forward. I believe we will be looking towards holding a public meeting next year to canvas this option in order to provide feed back to Sunfish State.
If you want to work with the government to pursue better management under the current system - I wish you the best of luck. I do believe they promised $35 million at the last election![]()
Each to their own - Scotto
Last edited by Scott Mitchell; 04-12-2009 at 04:47 PM.
yeah well sunfish doesn't represent me and I am happy about that . i have heard they haven't got a branch up here anymore . probably because of how much on the nose they are . Scott why did you put the poll up if you aren't going to abide by the majority . why not just put up a thread instead . were you looking for a result and didn't get it . I think that everybody that voted in this poll knew what it was about from the other thread .
Scott wants everyone to say what a great bloke he is and how he is going to change fishing in Qld long as he gets some money for it.
He cannot even tell me how much he received for being on the NSW board..must be too embarrassed to tell..all I wanted was a exp-lanation..just a number..then divide that by 30 and see how many people paid a license fee for someone to sit on the board. If people want to be on these boards...then do it for annoys the crap out of me..parasitical people.
Stuie - If you actually took a collective view of the 3 Qld polls that have been run - there is significant support for a general rec license based on a "similar" model to that discussed here
We're not just canvasing the members of Asufish in this debate - this is a state issue & I believe you'll be hearing it come up more often over the next 12-24 months.
Regards Scotto
Yes,pay for it & control it.
I keep hearing : 'Rec anglers need to take control - And it can be done - And it's working in other states NOW"
From an article in the Dec issue of a popular fishing mag, Shadow Minister for DPI Duncan Gay is quoted as saying:
"Fishers in NSW are sick to death of being brushed aside"
"We continue to hear from hundreds of angry fishers from all across NSW on a daily basis"
The article also mentions that notice has been given in the Upper House of a motion to establish a parliamentary inquiry into, among other 'fishy' stuff, "The effectiveness of the current system of the Trust and Advisory Committee in delivering good outcomes to license holders"
Perhaps simply an opportunity for improvement....via an inquiry
Yeah, I can see the groundswell of support for an RFL based on these deliverables.
(I love this, so I'm gonna use it)
Tell you what. All those in favour, send you and your partners license money to me.
For a lousy 60 bucks a year, every year, until you're either too old to go fishing, or can't afford it, I will make sure you :
1: Are mightily pissed off
2: Are brushed aside
3: Control everything the various Gov't Depts either allow, or are not interested in
And last but not least,
4: Are a tad suspicious of where all your money's going.
I will try to remove all current permits fees levies etc, but can't guarantee sucees or that they won't be replaced with others, or increases in rego, etc.
C'mon....You can trust me
Uh huh....Yup.
Or maybe all the angst down south is about the east coast turning into one giant No Take marine park a chunk at a time. Something perhaps an RFL can't address.