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Thread: Wide Caloundra - Big Bitey

  1. #1

    Wide Caloundra - Big Bitey

    Thought it about time I did a report instead of just reading everyone else's. Fished the southern end of Wide Caloundra for 3 Fingermark and 3 Perl Perch. Fished for 3 hours and had about a 20 minute byte time and the rest was dead. Very very slow current today! Lots of throw backs and no snapper.

    Interesting thing today was the number of trawlers anchored up here (5 in the immediate area) which I presume were catching a nap before heading out wide again. We anchored up about 250 meters down current of one and immediately saw the large amount of bycatch floating in the water. There were a few reef sharks, Mahi Mahi and what looked like Wahoo lazely feeding on the dead and semi dead fish. Unfortunately for us they had full bellies and we could not entice any.

    We also saw a very big great white leap out of the water just like you see on the docos. I have seen 15+ footers around the Bay of Islands and Poor Nights in NZ and this was on par so we have a very big bitey in the area.
    Trolled down to and around Hutchies then the Trench for nill.
    Sorry no pics. Not really worth taking photos of.

  2. #2

    Re: Wide Caloundra - Big Bitey

    I can't wait to see a great white jump out of the water. I'm very jealous!!!!

  3. #3

    Re: Wide Caloundra - Big Bitey

    Hey Internut could the Shark have been a mako? They look very much like White's and the Wide caluondra is a know location for them?

    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  4. #4

    Re: Wide Caloundra - Big Bitey

    Hi Mate, your finger mark are probably Moses Perch!! We don't get the true finger mark down this way.

  5. #5

    Re: Wide Caloundra - Big Bitey

    No def not a Mako. Ex Kiwi so have seen plenty of Makos jumping and caught a few. Plus didn't get the height you would expect from a Mako.

    It is possible it was a Tiger but I have never seen tigers jump. Seen them come up through meatballs but not get totally out of the water.

    I am pretty sure it was a white but it did have the girth of a tiger. One very big fish that I would love to see jump again.

    Thanks sailfisher! Will make note of the Moses Perch.

    BTW. Good luck to all those fishing the Mooloolaba Billfish Bash this coming weekend. Hope to see you out there but unfortunately not fishing the comp at this stage. Still learning the area and techniques. Hopefully next year.

  6. #6

    Re: Wide Caloundra - Big Bitey

    Hey Internut,

    I was out there 3 weeks ago and had one come up to the back of the boat and hung around for about 1/2 an hour. The one we had was a white and was about 10ft being 2 feet wider than the boat. Looked very graceful until it started nudging the boat.


  7. #7

    Re: Wide Caloundra - Big Bitey

    on a drifting or anchored boat the prpo will turn in the water current if in neutral... this sometimes catches the attention of whites and they have a little nibble to see if its edible....just knock it into gear and the prop will stop turning...

    this also helps not to wind up any braid drifting past

    cheers chris

  8. #8

    Re: Wide Caloundra - Big Bitey

    I saw a Tiger shark, about 12 feet long, come clear out of the water. It smashed a tuna on the surface. Pretty awesome sight.

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