I'm still wating to find out if I passed mine. I fell foul of a very large flaw in the system. I studied privately (no oganised course) for the MROVCP (VHF) license and then contacted a local invigilator to sit the exam.
Wasn't until I was well into it that I found some questions that had nothing to do with VHF. Invigilator couldn't help at that point "You're in the middle of an exam!". When I finished it we talked it over and found that he had ordered the MROCP exam by mistake and that's what I'd just completed. Hopefully enough of the HF/MF stuff stuck during my weeks of reading.
So I've studied pretty hard, paid $56 for the exam paper and who knows what will happen? Another $56, another exam and a month wait if I failed it?
Anyway - I learnt a lot, but I do think the system could be improved. It's a great thing that the invigilators put in their own time to help us out, so I've got absolutely no gripe there. It seems to me that the AMC should make sure that the exam papers given to students are very clearly marked "VHF" in very
large letters or even make the papers different colours so that it's obvious to the invigilator.
When you're a bit nervous, haven't sat an exam for about 30 years - and in a strange environment (a bloke's kitchen in my case) it's very easy to make a mistake like this.