Hi all,
It would be interesting to know what fuel economy people are getting with their boats and engines, i'll start of with my boats figures. it's all in metric as they did stop teaching imperial back in the 60's. but if you want to use imperial or NM thats fine
2009 WXR 529 Stabicraft ( 535 kg)
2009 90 hp Honda four stroke ( 163 kg )
2 POB ( 125 kg) with canopy up
loaded with approx 50 kgs of crap
Fuel 120ltr (approx 120 kg)
in 5-15 knot winds in moreton bay
Total Weight: Approx 993 kg
Fuel type: BP Ultimate 98 Octane
4300RPM approx 2.9-3.0 km per litre
cruising at 40 km an hour
5800WOT 1.6 km per litre
59 km an hour
Average from my last 18 hours works out to be approx 2.4km per litre
I haven't gotten around to recording the flow per hour yet. but will get around to it.
Now it's your turn