Quote Originally Posted by bigjimg View Post
Mate you tell me where all the common sense has gone in the world and i'll grow up.If i'm travelling down the highway with my family behind some clown like this as all goes pear shaped what then.He made the mistake he will live it hope it cost him plenty.Get stuffed.If this offends too bad.Jim

same place it was 30 years ago! there will ALWAYS be people with heaps of common sense, people with little, there will always be people from every walk of life with differing opinions, it's what makes the world the place it is. I'm the first to agree about the family thing, however, for every 'clown' who underestimates the weight of his boat there is 1000 'clowns' driving like maniacs, 1000 'clowns' drink driving.

I hope more than anything he learnt from his mistake and is now a lot safer on the roads. If he walks off giggling to himself, tommorrow he does the same thing, then I agree with you, but, for now, I'm happy to give him the benifit of the doubt and feel sorry for him.

Poor bugger!!