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Thread: Chasing whiting

  1. #1

    Chasing whiting

    I've been trying to chase whiting this summer around Donnybrook, Caloundra and Maroochydore, and have had no success at all. I realise that they get into the sand in low water, but would like some extra help please. Can you actually see them gettting stuck into the sand looking for their food, or do you just hit the sand flats in hope? What do you look for?
    I've been trying with mainly a small popper. Should I try a more traditional whiting rig? What have you guys mainly had success with?

  2. #2

    Re: Chasing whiting

    learn where they are with bait first, once you work out where they hang out and when, then try your poppers etc

  3. #3

    Re: Chasing whiting

    Are you landbased or in a boat? Cheers

  4. #4

    Re: Chasing whiting

    I use bait in that area for the tings i have tried poppers but i have only had 2 hook ups on them there go shallow 1m or less on the rising tide on any of the sand banks edges


  5. #5

    Re: Chasing whiting

    Mate if you are in a boat then drift over the sand flats until you find them if you anchor up they won't come to you unless you use a bait that will create a burly trail


  6. #6

    Re: Chasing whiting

    Hi Castlemaine, I'm usually in a boat.

  7. #7

    Re: Chasing whiting

    drive up to your favourite yabbie bank,pump some yabbies for bait then simply start pumping some yabbies strait out off the droppoff of bank and into the current.
    best burley you can get.

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