'Arrogance diminishes wisdom"
Sunfish where catering to a professional group - the catering was fantastic & Sunfish should be congratulated for the initiative -
'Arrogance diminishes wisdom"
Sunfish where catering to a professional group - the catering was fantastic & Sunfish should be congratulated for the initiative -
Tangles KFC
I repeat what I said in the other thread.
This question is another reason why Sunfish are on the nose.
They dont want to know about you unless you are a member of a fishing club or assoc.
And mate, I can drink all the beer and talk all the crap I want without having to pay to be a club member. And go fishing when I feel like it.
My dictionary defines green as ‘unripe, immature, undeveloped'. Perfect description.
Most political parties are seen as interested in what the voters think, the Greens are seen as thinking the community should be interested in what they think.
In truth sunfish can only claim to represent fishing club members would represent a very very small persentage of the fishing public.
Even if it represents the views of fishing clubs....and there isn't adoubling up of the membership count...sunfish can not claim to be representative of the fishing public.
Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.
maybe they should want to hear Scott, isnt that the point? with position come responsibility, shouldnt you as a rep be seeking views rather than querying someone as to how they can make themselves heard?
sounds like being on top of the silver mountain and all come to it..
Tangles KFC
I got out of club fishing in 1975..not interested in going back there Scott.
So how does Sunfish think they represent me and many others like me ??
As you say..ignorance is no excuse yet Sunfish is obviously ignorant of what the majority of rec anglers want.
If Sunfish is so all high and mighty in the pecking order of fishing clubs etc why was there only about 50 people at the conference? 50?? from all over the State..there has been that many at an Ausfish M&G let alone a supposed state conference..kinda seems like their own members really don't give a rats either..only members because QAFCA is and their clubs are aligned with QAFCA..the rank and file club members probably don't care much for Sunfish either.
how about you spell it out, what do you guys (Sunfish) do for the average fisho?
ie what have you actually done? not policy, what have Sunfish done for the majority?
or is it about professional groups with great catering like the self pat on the back for the conference?
wondering how many winks or tongues you can manage in this reply?
smacks of fishing elitism
Tangles KFC
Mate i dont doubt you think your heart is in the right place but a couple of thing just from your comment.
- why do i have to join a club just so my opinion can be heard, i thought you were for rec fishos not club members.
- why would i want to lobby anyone if i dont think there is a problem with the system now. you said and i will stand corrected but you said sunfish were discussing the idea of putting forward a licence proposal. why do we need one. how are they going to replenish the snapper stocks or the pearly stocks.may be education, cause there is no way of telling if your million fingerlings have survived.
- if i was to join a club and say we had the idea of no licence it would mean squat to sunfish because by the sound of it you have already made your mind up.
- Mate im not on here to get into a "who can pi.s the furtherest " comp but step back and look at the money you are talking about millions of dollars, and seriously do you think a government will allow anyone except themselves to have control of that sort of cash, you guys must realise its not like a freshwater dam this is a massive ecosystem that changes daily,
- Try walking down the river banks and ask how many people want this licence, i think you will find not many, but you are saying sunfish think it is a good idea and have support for it. mate you are dreaming
- Fisho spend fortunes now on every thing from bait to boats and keep a whole range of businesses going dont wreck the freedom of fishing mate it probably one of only a few things left that is free to take a family to do.because once you do it you will not undo it.
I have been a member of Sunfish for a month - I believe you would be best asking your local representative or shoot an email off the main web site @
Regards Scotto
you cant have it both ways, you have been pushing an agenda for while, i simply asked a question, your a holder of a position in an organisation seeking support for a proposition which your pushing hard, surely you know what Sunfish is about for reco fishos, if you dont, enough said.
Tangles KFC
I now hold the chair person position for the Fraser coast branch - I DO NOT speak on the behalf of Sunfish state or my branch. I took the position because I was asked & nominated - I am still unsure if I have the time to do the job justice , but will always stand by my right to defend what I believe in.
Regards Scotto