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Thread: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

  1. #31
    Ausfish Platinum Member ShaneC's Avatar
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    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    How do you figure Mike, who is anonymous????? If you check the anonymous posters of the past, Scott has had his chance to debate, and has done so. As for playing the man... well he is the one that has given that opportunity. Do you need me to post a link to his agenda?????

  2. #32

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Delisser View Post
    Give him time, the Sunfish conference is on all this weekend and thread was only started last night,
    Though if I were him I wouldn't be replying to anonymous posters who can't debate the issue and need to play the man instead.
    I debated the issue with him face to face at the sunfish conference.

  3. #33
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Well, Scotts silence is deafening isn’t it. He like most politicians has and always will have a hidden agenda. Scott should have done the right thing and been open and up front but he chose to be quit deceptive. Let’s face it Scott, you have made your position clear, deception by stealth. You must feel important, I mean a chairman of a useless and quit gutless board that only looks for ways and means to prop themselves up. You have already shown how you will be conducting your self in the future.


  4. #34

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart View Post
    Well, Scotts silence is deafening isn’t it. He like most politicians has and always will have a hidden agenda. Scott should have done the right thing and been open and up front but he chose to be quit deceptive. Let’s face it Scott, you have made your position clear, deception by stealth. You must feel important, I mean a chairman of a useless and quit gutless board that only looks for ways and means to prop themselves up. You have already shown how you will be conducting your self in the future.

    I believe Scott isn't home from the conference yet.I'm sure he'll answer your comments when he is. I think he's always been upfront on his support for an RFL so theres nothing new there.

  5. #35

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Scott, as a recreational angler can you remove me from the list that you pose to represent


  6. #36

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    I wonder if someone points out that by putting in a rec licence, all the government figures on partisipation, will be shown to be fabrications... it will all go away.

    Yeh.....the SIP sceme is hardly a high overhead exercise and the government consumes 25% of the income in administration.

    If it is like a number of other licence scemes the government runs....the overheads will be greater than that............electrical licencing for instance......the only return to electrical workes fron the licence fees I see is the cost of mailing out the renewal notice.

    How about business names.............the only thing they do for you is keep a list and send you the bill.........they won/t help you defend the use of the name you pay to register.

    The boating & fisheries partoll are flat out enforcing what they have...what hope have thay of enforcing a licence.

    Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.

  7. #37

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    What pisses me off about the rec licence issue is that it will happen. The idea is being pushed around at the moment by multiple bodies (not just scott and sunfish) to get the general feeling. These groups are marketing using typical green tactics, and when they get their marketing of the issue sorted and they get a majority to agree, they will put it to cabinet. IT wont stop me campaigning against the real issues, but its going to be a hell of a fight.

  8. #38

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealAndy View Post
    I debated the issue with him face to face at the sunfish conference.
    Good to hear Andy, I expect both of you got your point across without getting personal.

  9. #39
    Ausfish Platinum Member ShaneC's Avatar
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    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    All things said and done Andy the thing that gets on my tits is the methods they are employing. I love the old one "At least WE will have control of the money!!" If by "we" they mean the govt and a couple of quasi groups that are only endorsing it to promote their own agenda, they are probably right. A good percentage of the money will likely be spent on admin jobs for those that helped push the idea anyway.

    How do they honestly expect people to believe that rec anglers as a whole will have any sort of real input as to how the money is spent?? Theres only one way to really control how your cash is spent, and thats to keep it in your wallet. We already pay enough to go fishing......

  10. #40

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealAndy View Post
    What pisses me off about the rec licence issue is that it will happen. The idea is being pushed around at the moment by multiple bodies (not just scott and sunfish) to get the general feeling. These groups are marketing using typical green tactics, and when they get their marketing of the issue sorted and they get a majority to agree, they will put it to cabinet. IT wont stop me campaigning against the real issues, but its going to be a hell of a fight.

    I get that feeling as well Andy. Though I am 100% sure that the Qld Freshwater SIP Scheme is the best thing since sliced bread, I don't like the idea of a saltwater rec licence. But while I don't like it, I absolutely loathe the idea of any State Gov coming up with and implementing their version of a rec fishing licence.
    Haven't we learnt from the all that green zone crap. And if you think a change of Government will hold off a rec licence google the WA Libs 08 pre election commitment to rec anglers then have a look at what the new WA Gov is bringing in for anglers in March 2010.

    From the WA web site

    • A state-wide Recreational Fishing from Boat Licence (RFBL) will be introduced with an annual fee of $30;
    A two-month seasonal closure on the take of “high risk” demersal scalefish (Snapper) by recreational fishers will apply from 15 October to 15 December inclusive.

    Do we wait for the Qld Gov to put something like that on their agenda then take them on like we did with the green zones? That worked well.

  11. #41

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_Phill View Post
    From the Sunfish magazine, October 09 edition.

    Sunfish Considerations.

    Over the past year or so, the members and regional branches of Sunfish has carefully considered and discussed the issue of general fishing licences at General Meetings and Annual General Meetings. A considerable number of the members of regional branches of Sunfish support the introduction of a general recreational fishing licence in Queensland on the strong proviso that Sunfish has a say in the use of the monies raised, and such monies are used for recreational fishing support activities and do not go into consolidated revenue.

    Sunfish Position.

    In summary, the issue of recreational fishing licences is getting serious discussion within the membership of Sunfish.
    I can confirm that there is not unanimous favor for a general recreational angling license with-in Sunfish. The members do recognize that it is an important issue & have voted to take it to their branches for discussion with thier membership & local anglers.

    I suggest it will now be constructive to hash out the pro's & cons of such a system OR another VIABLE/REALISTIC alternative to providing funding to allow for the management of our states fisheries - AND GIVE US OWNERSHIP

    Regards Scotto

  12. #42

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealAndy View Post
    I debated the issue with him face to face at the sunfish conference.
    Andy - It was great to see you at the conference - although I would not suggest we debated anything in relation to a general rec license

    Regards Scotto

  13. #43

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealAndy View Post
    What pisses me off about the rec licence issue is that it will happen. The idea is being pushed around at the moment by multiple bodies (not just scott and sunfish) to get the general feeling. These groups are marketing using typical green tactics, and when they get their marketing of the issue sorted and they get a majority to agree, they will put it to cabinet. IT wont stop me campaigning against the real issues, but its going to be a hell of a fight.
    Andy - I hope that you saw "I" am not the driving force behind a general rec license. It is pretty basic math - just about everything that we see as being important in regards to the future management of recreational angling - nationally - as well as in Qld , requires money.

    We are the 'Users" of this resource - so why should we rely on government funding ? There appears to be many who say we can't rely on rec anglers who are funded to provide input on the management of our fisheries - because they are payed by government to attend meetings & conferences ?

    So why not take ownership of our future & work towards funding our own destiny. I believe your right is believing a general rec license is only a matter of time - So I want to be apart of taking control of that process in delivering the best possible outcome for rec fishers.

    Regards Scotto

  14. #44

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by STUIE63 View Post
    Scott will fit right into sunfish as they don't listen either and just say we don't know what is good for us and what they want is the best thing for us.
    Stuie - It is a shame you have this view point as I now understand that Sunfish is actually made of of a number of key recreational angling groups through out Qld - it is NOT one body

    As you know I am new to the state & policies of the DPI&F & really enjoyed meeting with other groups & individuals who are serious about having a say in the future of rec fishing in this state.

    You should think about attending a local Sunfish branch meeting some time - Or ANSA club or QAFCA or Local fish stocking ass , Or possibly it will be Eco who best represents the "grass Roots" angler voice ?

    If you can find the time to comment here - you should be contributing at an association level.

    Regards Scotto

  15. #45
    Ausfish Platinum Member - R.I.P. October 2015 dayoo's Avatar
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    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?


    Like I outlined in another post the $3.8 million raised from the PPV levy is already paid into a controlled account administered by Fisheries. This account could be administered by a committee of Fisheries staff and reps from Sunfish, Ecofishers Qld and RFish. Increasing the levy by about $3 would raise sufficient funds to cover monitoring and compliance.

    A general fishing licence would not be cost effective as a large proportion of the extra funds raised would be spent on administering and policing the licence and not on core Fisheries business like research, fish sustainability and compliance with regulations.

    Sunfish needs to have a chat to senior Fisheries staff on what it would cost Fisheries to administer and police a general fishing licence in Queensland. Maybe then what I recommend in the first paragraph above will make more sense:wink:


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