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Thread: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

  1. #16

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Well for what its worth my opinion is that the rec fishing license will be introduced sooner rather than later. The monies raised will be used as the government see's fit, regardless of the opinion of Sunfish et al.

    We all know that this government wastes money like its going out of fashion and so needs more ways to top up its coffers.
    i want a bigger boat

    Call Sign "In-Vince-able" VHF 72

  2. #17

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by FNQCairns View Post
    Ha! knew it...right from the start of the massive thread!!

    At every time we are under attack from more than one direction, it's the Trojans inside that are the typical Anglers enemy.

    Move away people.....

    No innocence to be found here.

    cheers fnq
    Absolutley right. Pretty clear from the outset what his motivations were

  3. #18
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Hmm, got a fair bit of time for Scott, not a lot of time for Sunfish, my personal take is Sunfish represents the recreational fishing related industry more than it does recreational fishers. Be interesting to see if he has some influence on Sunfish.

    PS I would support a general fishing licence similar to the SIP, if 75% went back in to fish stocking as it does for the SIP it would be great.

  4. #19
    Ausfish Platinum Member STUIE63's Avatar
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    Feb 2007

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Scott will fit right into sunfish as they don't listen either and just say we don't know what is good for us and what they want is the best thing for us.

  5. #20

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    What annoyed me about all this is Sunfish post the article in their rag, and at the same time state there internal division on the matter. Seems pretty dumb to me. If they dont have a policy on the mater then they should shut up, or put up.

    The general conscenus of Sunfish from what I can gather (I will have a good chat with Barry Pollock tomorrow) is that they are not pushing a licence, rather floating the idea.

    Furthermore, there was mention made in a presentation by Terry Healy (DPIF) that the rec licence had been floated. He did not go into detail on the matter though. I was going to try and have a chat to him about it but unfortunatley I missed him.

  6. #21

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Barry better watch out, the way Scott operates
    Tangles KFC

  7. #22
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    I do not ever get involved in politics but there is a point to be made for a licence.
    At the moment we have no pollitical clout as we have no money to fight fior our rights, If you think a licence does not work have a look at impoundment fishing it is a wonderful success throughout Queensland. If all were paying a fee and even if it is 60 bucks a; year that is two ;cheap slabs of beer and if that money is put into a trust fund say for buying out pro licences ttc what a difference it would make and also if say 200 thousand people were paying this that would be 12 million dollars raised a year in qld to help our offshore fishery. And when yo have money yo have political clout and this needs to be managed jointly by goverment and recreational fishing bodies. I know not all will agree with this but it the way we are goping we are going top have nothing to go fishing for if we dont do something drastic

  8. #23

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    it doesnt work like that, that money wont go to where it should, there are the Scott's of the world to pay for, the talkfests, the conference costs, the gravy just leaks money. Whats a slab? well thats a slab too many as it crosses the line on principle.

    we already pay for facilities... we have Govt departments charged with civil responsibility to manage resources and facilities on our books, the Taxpayer...and the big issue people forget about is a basic principle our grandfathers went to war for.. a certain freedom of rights which these guys dont respect, we should pay..... and we have people like Scott of Sunfish telling us we should pay for these rights with a RFL.

    This is about self serving wantabee's getting in on the grab, , as the gov't has abrogated their responsibility in this area. Money grabbers have of course filled the vacum, self generating positions.

    They will tell you its the only option, its for you, for all,,, its religious preaching, . its a gravy train and who cares about the rec fishos, they are used. Its a money making exercise.

    Do you really think Sunfish really cares about rec fisho's ? they are a quasi Govt funded agency just like the Conservation Council, they care about their existence, they exist to exist, subservient to the govt of the day.

    Sunfish want to control a RFL, Sunfish want in on it? why it further justifies its existence and gives them relevance, even if it shafts the very people the proclaim to represent, ie supposedly us.

    I look at Scott Mitchell of Sunfish just as i look at Simon Baltais, same cloth, but different thread.
    Tangles KFC

  9. #24

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    I cant believe that people still trust there money to a unknown, hence the old saying about a fool and their money.... Well if you are so keen to give it away, give it to me, i promise i will put it to good use... , dont bother asking where it went , for i will bs you till the cows come home , and still get a good nites sleep...The day a fishing licence is enforced here, is the day i sell my boat, dont care if it is a small amount.
    If you open that door, you might not like what comes out, and there is no closing it.
    Rant over.

  10. #25

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealAndy View Post
    Furthermore, there was mention made in a presentation by Terry Healy (DPIF) that the rec licence had been floated. He did not go into detail on the matter though. I was going to try and have a chat to him about it but unfortunatley I missed him.
    Floated by whom ? surley not Scott ?

    No hidden agenda my ar$e !!!!!


  11. #26

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by dayoo View Post
    The problem with a general recreational fishing licence is that a lot of the money collected is wasted in admin costs. It impinges on and penalises the basic right to wet a line or set a crab pot on a public beach, river or creek bank.

    Maybe I am missing something or maybe I just getting too old and cranky

    Hi all
    I think we are all banging our heads against a brick wall right now.
    It seems every time you take a breath these days someone wants you to pay.

    Well i may be getting old and cranky to But I am sick of people making me continually pay more for every thing I enjoy doing. I work 60 hours a week and add to that 20 hours travelling to and from work and The only thing i can honestly say I want to do is go fishing when i have some time to do so.

    We see our registration continually go up-- what does that fund,, We see the price of fuel go up--we all know what that funds and now you want me to pay for the right to sit on the bank or in my boat and fish. Sorry everyone but I pay enough to do the one thing I enjoy most in life and its for bloody sure i won't be funding a weekend for a whole lot of Sunfish members to talk about whats right for me.

    What gaurantees are there about what the money will be used for and what percentage will go straight to improvements for rec fishos. How much will be left after management and admin fees-- How many lies will we be told this time just so someone can get their way and make us pay for something that will be of no or little benefit to us.
    AND Why is it that everyone thinks money is the answer to solving every problem that comes along. ???
    We just slug him/her another fifty and everything will be fixed. Yeh Right


  12. #27

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead View Post
    Sunfish..the master of spin..have a look at their website..:

    Australian National Sportfishing Association (ANSA)
    Australian Underwater Federation Queensland (AUFQ)
    Queensland Amateur Fishing Clubs Association (QAFCA)
    Queensland Game Fishing Association (QGFA)
    Freshwater Fishing and Stocking Association of Queensland (FFSAQ)
    Blue Fin Fishing Club (over 5,000 members)

    Blue Fins is a member of QAFCA via SQAFCA...5000 members maybe but it is a pokie palace..I bet they have trouble getting 20 members on a club trip.
    So they double up on Blue Fin membership??

    They are not representative of rec anglers..they are puppets of Bligh.
    I can just see their conference this part paid for by us..all patting each other on the back and saying what wonderful folk they are.

    My response to suck the money from our PPV so you can all just have a DP weekend at our expense. If an RFL was implemented you would just suck money from it also for more DP times.And various people would put their hand out for some of that money cos they had to travel to get there..nothing but bloody parasites and leeches on our money.

    I have no respect for anyone in that mob that has accepted any money for that conference or any other a matter of fact..complete and utter disdain for those people. Watch ya wallets boys..Sunfish is after it.
    So who represents me/my family and 99+++% of everyone I have EVER gone fishing with over 40 of my 43 about upside down.

    cheers fnq

  13. #28
    Ausfish Platinum Member ShaneC's Avatar
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Gee, what a shocker!! I can't believe Scotty had an agenda..... He was at it from the start of his big thread and it was obvious. Now the dust has settled and Scotty has emerged as the wolf in sheeps clothing that is out to satisfy the wants of himself only. I used to support Sunfish, but they went the wrong way a couple of yrs ago so I pulled the pin. This just confirms my suspicions.

    A shit is a shit, doesnt matter how much sugar you put on it, it still smells. And Scotty's reeking. Interesting that he hasnt replied to this thread........

  14. #29

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by culbara View Post
    I do not ever get involved in politics but there is a point to be made for a licence.
    At the moment we have no pollitical clout as we have no money to fight fior our rights, If you think a licence does not work have a look at impoundment fishing it is a wonderful success throughout Queensland. If all were paying a fee and even if it is 60 bucks a; year that is two ;cheap slabs of beer and if that money is put into a trust fund say for buying out pro licences ttc what a difference it would make and also if say 200 thousand people were paying this that would be 12 million dollars raised a year in qld to help our offshore fishery. And when yo have money yo have political clout and this needs to be managed jointly by goverment and recreational fishing bodies. I know not all will agree with this but it the way we are goping we are going top have nothing to go fishing for if we dont do something drastic
    One good point scott did bring up today was the SIPS fee. I cant remember the exact dollar figures, but I think it raises $680,000 a year. Of that 25% is consumed by the state government as administration expenses. Good value for money?

    Todays Sunfish forum was funded in part by PPV. Sure the food was good, and I am sure that everyone involved enjoyed the dinner and the free drinks but I could have hired the hall at VMR Brisbane for $130 and had the same speakers. It would not have been as fancy, but that money saved could have been used to help supply catch cards or tags or whatever. There is a good take away up the road from VMR Brisbane, and I could certainly get a good feed for a lot less that the $50 I paid. If it did not cost $50 to attend today I am sure there would have been a lot more that the 50odd people who attended.

    Point is, where is your money going to go??? How much will be directly injected into the rec fishing community for the DIRECT benefit of the rec fishing community?

  15. #30

    Re: Sunfish to push for rec licence ?

    Give him time, the Sunfish conference is on all this weekend and thread was only started last night,
    Though if I were him I wouldn't be replying to anonymous posters who can't debate the issue and need to play the man instead.

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