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Thread: Survey to Ensure Rec fishing future

  1. #16
    Ausfish Platinum Member STUIE63's Avatar
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    Re: Survey to Ensure Rec fishing future

    that's it Timi give them co ords for a fishing desert

  2. #17

    Re: Survey to Ensure Rec fishing future

    Quote Originally Posted by TimiBoy View Post

    Please, like Rod, put in the coordinates for Cunnamulla, or Ayers Rock, or something like that. What about Scott's house?

    Thanks Tim

    Regards Scotto

  3. #18
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: Survey to Ensure Rec fishing future

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Mitchell View Post
    Thanks Tim

    Regards Scotto
    .................................... Just not worth it.

    Last edited by TimiBoy; 17-11-2009 at 06:29 AM. Reason: A pointless exercise.
    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  4. #19

    Re: Survey to Ensure Rec fishing future

    I completed the survey, a couple of random mark off Hawaii and Californiaey, let PEW lock up their own backyard!

  5. #20
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Oct 2004

    Re: Survey to Ensure Rec fishing future

    Thanks Scotty

    I'm not going to let you take the heat for this on your own. This is a Recfish Australia survey and the survey is funded by DEWHA. It is a small part of a report we are compiling into fishing activities in Commonwealth Waters.

    DEWHA is saying there is not enough information about fishing in Commonwealth Waters to know what to avoid. This is not rocket science and the report by and large will say exactly that - due to a complete lack of interest in collecting information about fishing in Commonwealth waters by both federal and state govts, we know bucklies about what the catch is, what species are impacted and where fishers fish.

    So what you say, well when it comes to resource allocation of tuna and billfish between the commercial and recreational sector and we say we dont know what our catch is - how much of the quota do you think we will get? This is real for Southern Bluefin Tuna where some commercial fishers are saying that the reduced Australian quota is fully utilised by commercial fishers = stuff all for recreational fishers.

    Our report will merely highlight what we know - seamounts, canyons, plateaus are important fishing locations (imagine that). They also happen to be biodiversity hot spots so guess what, greenies want them too!

    What we will do, is use the report to demonstrate current conservation measures (set up by fishers) that are in place. We will also provide a brief overview of the species and demonstrate that most pelagics are in a healthy condition.

    If you bothered to look at the survey, you would see there are questions about your thoughts on marine parks. The more people that take the survey, the broader the view will be and we intend to make the views of the fishing community known. This information is important when we go to local politicians and rest assured this is where the most work needs to be done in this campaign.

    We also ask those that want to be kept informed to provide contact details so we can keep you up to date with facts and figures and how to engage in this process.

    Sure, the alternative is to say - bring on the fight, lets blockade parliament OR we can get a bit sophisticated in this and use the anti-fishing group's techniques.

    They love their opinion polls and politicians lap them up - its time we started our own.

    Folks, the location stuff is second fiddle to this debate - you can choose the level of detail you provide and definately you dont need to provide GPS coordinates (Anyone can purchase any number of commercial publications with GPS coordinates - its no secret).

    No doubt, the flaming will come but hey, thank goodness for free speech.


  6. #21
    Ausfish Platinum Member honda900's Avatar
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    Re: Survey to Ensure Rec fishing future


    Please understand the recfish anglers of QLD were completely shafted by the EPA, when asked to "show us the area you fish in" from this, a complete lack of trust of the government bodies running these types of surveys has been estblished.

    Please feel free to take it up with the director EPA at the time he is responsible.

    Dewha is now involved, great waste some more public money, to add to the list, then we get Krudded and Midnight oiled, and finally a good bligh in the back.

    Somebody needs to hold all of these public servants accountable for the decisions they make, infact personably liable. that would stop a lot of this rubbish.


  7. #22

    Re: Survey to Ensure Rec fishing future

    No not a flame, it seems what constitutes a flame these days has around the same broad context as what constitutes representation.

    Is this the same DEWHA department who by their absolute and documented actions hold behaviour consistent with a card carrying member of any not for profit marine Zealot group? ie WWF, PEW ,greenpeace etc etc

    and is this the same Sunfish who by their absolute and documented actions side with the aims of these card carrying members... irrespective of what damage and discrimination it entails against those they 'in ink' and 'gums' proport to represent.

    Seriously the situation has got worse not better, do we just wipe all memory of this last and disgraceful 10 years of Angler treatment?

    Above brochure level who is actually behind this and why would a leopard change it's spots.

    How does the grass roots mum and dad with just $100 worth of Angling apparatus (amenity) and $20 worth of optional petrol a week cast far enough to catch a bluefin??

    What fishers (i believe they would have been) set the current conservation measures up?? they certainly where not nor have they ever even Anglers......proof is by the very results so far achieved.

    It all reads as just another slight of hand for vested gains, gains so far above anything the still unrepresented Angler gets to experience except on TV or in magazines.

    Last but not least NEVER NEVER TRUST ANY INDIVIDUAL OR ORGANISATION WHO CALLS US ANGLERS as FISHERS! a looking glass there is nothing finer to identify the Trojans most against us.

    cheers fnq

  8. #23
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Survey to Ensure Rec fishing future

    another big YAWN..another bunch that obviously get their pockets lined with some funds and then expect Joe Public to do their work for them..Recfish wants to know answers then recfish can bloody well get off thier butts and find out for themselves.

    You aiming for a Recfish spot now Scott..they pay a bit better ??

    But you did not answer my original question so I don;t expect an answer to this one either.

  9. #24

    Re: Survey to Ensure Rec fishing future

    My suggestions for marks.

    Pew Charitable Trusts
    Philadelphia Office.
    2005 Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19103


    Pew Charitable Trusts
    Washington Office.
    901 E St NW, Washington, DC 20004

    77° 1'27.09"W

    Australian Greens Qld
    Albion Peace Centre, 102 McDonald Rd, Windsor, QLD 4030

    153° 2'18.71"E

    Australian Conservation Foundation

    60 Leicester St Carlton VIC


    They should all be turned into complete exclusion zones - no humans allowed.

  10. #25
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Survey to Ensure Rec fishing future

    Pinhead, for the record - Recfish doesn't receive any govt funding. We apply for projects like anyone else can and sometimes we succeed.

    For the record again, this is not a Sunfish project and Sunfish are currently not members of Recfish Australia.

    Rest assured, we fully understand the shafting that has occured and will continue to occur unless we stand up for ourselves. We certainly dont believe that this report will stop the process or even change the outcome significantly. As you rightly allude, this is a political process and maybe working the politics will lead to better outcome.

    This is a federal matter so you need to be talking to your local federal MPs and Senators. You can find their contact details through the Electoral Commission website, just type in your post code to figure our your electoral division. Next step is to meet with or write to them and ensure that they understand what the deal will be and where you stand on the issue.

    Final point, we are all on the same side but if we run around like headless chooks blaming each other for past injustices, we will never win this thing.

    Final point + 1, we talk about fishers as spearfishers dont really consider themselves as anglers and neither do crabbers or netters so to not ignore some fishers, we take the more generic term. Yes, its a bit odd but it seems to be the general consensus.


  11. #26
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Survey to Ensure Rec fishing future

    scifly...the majority of anglers in this country will NEVER be united under any banner.

    reason...'cos they know nothing of Sunfish or Recfish.
    They go to work..they go home..they want to go and fish on weekends.
    Unless they are members of sites like this they have no knowledge whatsover of any of these organisations...yet..these organisations preach that they are the peak bodies representing recreational anglers yet the majority have never even heard of them. So how can you represent people that do not even know you exist???

    So I would guess that the first place would be for these organisations to launch some huge advertising, papers, tv..and you are going to funds available.

    That is the reality of the matter and unless these groups do something about it then they really only represent their members...and I mean real members not pseudo ones...not the general angling public as a whole.

    Their intentions may be good but until anglers are united then nothing much will change.
    I, for one, will never join one..been all through that club, organisation political crap many years ago when the club I was in was under the SQAFCA banner.

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