we got a 3 solid 15kg spaniards and some small mouth off pixie yesterday...
we got a 3 solid 15kg spaniards and some small mouth off pixie yesterday...
Snapperscott did you get the macs trolling ?
"let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"
Yeah 1 x xrap 30ft 1 x bransfords whog head 1 x tackleworld whog head. Dropped probably 3 and would have almost bagged out if I had a downrigger on the new boat. Just finished installing it this arvo so next weeked looking to bag alot more. I reckon in the old boat 80% would be on downrigger then on skipping gar.
you can weight down your wogheads with a big ball sinker, doesn't impact on the bite.
Went out Saturday 17.11.12. Glorious day but not a lot of fish. Did anyone else head out and how did you go?
I went out Friday with the old man. Was a little lumpy in the morning, but not too bad really. Got 12 trout, a nice emporer and two rosies.
My favourite spot that has heaps of trout is still littered with sharks. We stopped there on the way home and I got a solid fish and it got smashed half way up. Could see a few big buggars swimmer around so we headed off.
Nice one Pazz
Did a quick trip friday night chasing some fingermark with Daintreeboy. No fingermark but found a nice rock which produced instant mayhem. 6 largies and a smallish gold spot in 3 quick drifts before dark. Smallest largie was 4-5kg - the biggest was 10.2kg (90cm). . Lost at least 4 more quality fish - which put them off the chew. Still a nice new rock to go check out once in a while....... Didn't put another keeper in the boat for the rest of the night despite trying our usual fingermark haunts but it didn't matter!
We were out Saturday and trolled pixie within only one mack. Went and bottom bashed at bottom of batt in 50m but nothing. Sloppy early and then calm in mid morning and all afternoon.
We stopped back in at double island wreck and marked a few decent fish but could get them in 5mins of trolling as had to head home.
Hey Odes
Yeah a fair way... usually around arlington light and Euston light and towards finn. Out on the flats. Have been catching a few of them in the day time. But really been looking for big mouth and emperor but they are not a bad by-catch really.
But it's pretty exposed when it's blowing though, and Friday it was border line of fishable, with a good 1.5-2m swell rolling in.
Scored 13 trout on Thursday. Mixed sizes light winds enjoyable day. Cant complain.
"let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"
Damn it can't get a crew for tomorrow. Anyone going out Sunday looking for another to split the bill?
Like to do a trip with you Snapper but can't Sunday
"let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"