ya cant get more mass out that than you put in....
there in lies another disproportonate measure........we know waht we are maasuring going in.....and you bet they are not countig air......exactly what are they measuing going out....and how do they measure the effect on the environment.
This is another one of thise systematic BULL$H!&, things................if we quote the quantity of something is must be real........politicians do it by saying how much money they have spent or how many jobs they have created or whatever.
they are all trying to quantify something that can not be measured.....in many cases not even estimated.
Take the clasic example of the figures thet fisheries plucked out of the air on the smapper fishery.
Figures and quantities where there are none to be had.
YOU CANT MEASURE EVERYTHING......get used to the idea.
We have seen quite a number of times various estimates of the "Cost of the oil spill".....there are no quantities of figures to measure the effects....all they can do is flash fugures out, money that they have suposedly spent.