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The test is too tough to prove. Any time I ever thought colour may have been the helping I factor, I found new fundamentals that mattered. Ie, lure tuning, lure choice, lure size, and most importantly- technique bla bla bla. I try to accept it may help at times, but I still fail to see any examples in my fishing, strongly alive and kicking. No two same make/model lures can ever be compared, some I discard, others I treat like gold.
And yes, there are documents out that say they can see colour.
The day I can't catch barra amongst others that are- might be a day that I look deeper within, but we basically do it everyday, and colour choice is not even on the list of criteria.
If colour gives you confidence, fish with it.
ABT barra gurus ranked 1 and 2 don't rate colour in their hit list either.
Plenty do rate colour high on the agenda, yet these guys aren't on the top of that list either.
Just my thoughts.