PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VBA_SCRIPT - assumed 'VBA_SCRIPT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions_navigation.php(802) : eval()'d code on line 1 Intro and Three Barra Tips - Page 3
Windy day = tie off/anchor. Theres no point skating along with wind drift fishing, or fighting the wind with the electric to hold spot, you just dont do justice to each cast, retrieves are in-advertantly sped up, and areas arent worked suficiently
Ordinary weather days, scuddung rain showers and gusting winds, can still be extremly fruitfull, my biggest ever bara came on a day when no one else was on the water due to conditions, and he wasnt the only fish of the day. Poor weather we fish in can often play more on the anglers mind than it does a fish.
Stability of conditions - the holy grail, 2 weeks of stable nor east winds, leading up to your trip that coincides with moon rise early evening.
My tips are based on my time on the water, and what works for me, hope some one else can use them to mat a barra!
Fishing to the conditions - BR65 said it pretty well.
As I don't have an electric, unless trolling, I let the boat/canoe drift into a good posse & either tie off to a handy tree or lower my anchor (lead wedge) and then cast away. Depending on the drop-back of the rope I get varying amount of sideway movement which increases the area I can cover.
When drifting, a small droge slows the drift and keep the nose into the wind.
One thing that comes to mind with regard to wind direction and changes in direction is.
Its common place to hear around the campsite & ramp is a destination is chosen based on what the wind is doing at that time.
But it is always worth considering.
"What was the wind doing for the days prior to the wind change ? "
If an arm has had wind blowing in there for a week & then overnight a wind change has it pushing out of there - - - - do not discount that location .... Try to find an area within that arm that the wind is now blowing onto ( point, bank or bay )
As per JMs Lake Monduran DVD
Depending on wind velocity , air temps etc - That arm may remain productive for days to come (I'm pretty sure that a whistle isn't blown for all barra to get the hell out of Dodge )
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day ! Teach him how to fish & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Hi My name is Mick now live in Gordonval FNQ 5min from creeks full of WILD BARRA and crocks Tip 1- Dont use 20 lb leader Tip 2- if you do use 20lb leader buy more lures before fishing Tip 3 - if you come across a stray crock leave before it follws you home