agree theo,
I thought the same when I read the title too!!!
Chris, change the title to 'the shed' or 'show us ya man cave'....or 'where do you hide from the wife'!!!!
I sometimes wonder if I'm on Facebook or Twitter when I'm reading some if these threads. Seriously. Now a few of you made the point about posting banter & good old fashioned chat in selected threads, but how many other threads from people who may be asking questions about different fish/locations/techniques could be lost? Barra threads seem to over-ride everything on this section of the forum, and thats not because 'barra are the flavour of the month' (thats debate-able), but most of the threads are just general chit chat and nothing too serious. Don't think for one minute I'm knocking this, because we all do it - but perhaps there is a better place to do this. MSN as Plastic_Magic suggested is a good example... you can have a single window open and be chatting to 30 odd people and run it like a mini forum. Can't do that on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace etc...
The recent 'I'd Be killed' thread is a fun, good honest thread ALL fisho's can get into... but how many will possibly look at it and go 'Oh no... its the barra boys again... I can't post here!'. Probably a few. There's a few more examples I can use.
Just my honest thoughts. Nothing un-toward
agree theo,
I thought the same when I read the title too!!!
Chris, change the title to 'the shed' or 'show us ya man cave'....or 'where do you hide from the wife'!!!!
you can chuck salt barra tips in the fresh section....its all about the fish. lots of stuff crosses over, and its good info when we go salt barra fishing too...I look like heading NT next year for the first time in many years..I will need a salt water barra refresher course before then!!!
cheers Steve
Nothing un-toward taken Theo, if I dont hear from every thread viewer, how will I know what is really wanted? So many viewer, so few posters.
I dunno what face book or twitter is, I get these invites on my email to join up, I just delete them, sounds like something 16 year old school girls do
Thousands of views, but a lot less posters = a lot less input, mite become a bit one sided at times due to "shouters" I reckon?
Be nice if we could keep this one civil, relevant to the original question, and factual.
Should there be a sticky that is entitled "Help Me Catch An Impoundment Barra", what would you, or I, or others post? That is truly helpfull, un-biased, has no hiden agendas or and benefits the question asker?
I got nuthin, just a minnow in the pond, so I can put up what works for me.
Or would a link to another site be more apllicable for a new barra angler seking the good oil?
Should that be it.
Sticky - "How Do You Catch An Impoundment Barra" - reply - link to another site?
G'Day Brian, Mate you know me a hopelessly lost barra man with IBD that would derail the Tilt Train,
I obviously read this forum a lot and i post on most of the barra threads although i don't post in mass numbers on most threads. I just generally have my say and thats it, or say congratulations on the results. I do like to get involved with some of the more social threads, like organsing group trips be it at Mondy or else where and then reliving the experiences of those trips with the good mates that we have all made here on Ausfish.
Be that talking about paticular fish captures or losses, gear failure, new ideas etc, its all good stuff and really enjoyable.
I am not generally one who dominates a discussion or talk over someone else, if i do comment on a certain subject and some one else wants to argue about what i have said, i will drop out of the discussion, thats me, if they don't want to hear my experiences then i will keep them to myself. I am a great believer in our Hosts footnote (Thanks Steve Brown) which is, Arguing with an idiot only proves there are two. After all there is no one person that knows it all and all things are changing daily so i carry the philosophy that i can learn something from everyone, so i will have a chat to anyone, listen to what they have to say and put to use any thing that i may have learned from that chat.
I refuse to get involved in threads that are quite obviously personal and i believe they have no place here or on other forums, they actually disgust me.
Then getting back to your question, i am a person who does not normally have a lot to say, if somebody asks me something i will always do my utmost to help, but then again there are people on this forum that know way lot more than i do.
There you go mate, i have probably said too much already.
I read every barra thread I find, but very rarely reply because I simply don't know enough about these big silver beauties to make a worthwhile contribution to other readers. I read them to gather any scrap of information I can on a species I plan on stalking very soon.
Keep em comin'
So shines a good deed in a weary world
- William S Shakespeare and William S Wonka_
Thats a pretty fair call Lauchy ........ I can certainly understand where you are coming from
People see fishing web sites differently ...... some want it like a resource others as a place to generally chat about their chosen subject - while others use it as a platform for their own personal gain ...... then some just want to share their experiences ......
With reference to this particular section ....... those that are regulars (be it vocal or silent) have become mates - & its here that topics can & do wonder..... & yes it can make it pretty difficult to find the answers that you might be looking for.
Now ...... there is a simple solution - POST THE QUESTION IN A NEW THREAD That way you will get an answer quickly ...... or at least steered in the right direction - - - - At least here , you usually wont have to wait 2 weeks to get an answer .
If you think you have something of value to share ...... and it is seen that way by all the members - It will stay at or near the top of the page .
I guess ..... with the banter - it can seem a little intimidating ...... lots of people who seem to be mates _ Its in part why we have musters , bashes , sessions ..... it allows those that feel intimidated , shy what ever to come along & meet those here.
As for the recent sarcasm ..... & references to alcohol - well , you know what the catalyst there was
most of us enjoy these pages for what they are .......... There is another site which can be viewed as a reference centre - many are members of that site too but are generally drawn here .
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
John, how long before we see you around the bush telly mate?
Michael, no one knows everything about Ms Lates mate, jump in, add your thoughts based on bassing, you do extremly well in that field mate, its all relevant!
[quote=BR65;1091844]John, how long before we see you around the bush telly mate?
Hey Brian, My next appointment at the hospital is on the 26th of this month, hopefully the Doc will give me a clearance then.
So that means i would be looking at Mondy in the new year if there is any water left in it.
Un-known viewers (and not posters), I know your out there, jump in!