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Thread: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?

  1. #46

    Re: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?

    I reckon there are a heap of barra anglers out there, that read most of what goes on here but never get involved. I'm surprised to walk into a tackle shop or run into guys at the boat ramp and they know all about my latest barra trip, because I've posted it here.

    Nothing wrong with soaking up the info here, thats how I've learnt a heap in the past couple of years. Initially I didn't post much either. But I read and learnt, not just about tackle and techniques, but also about the anglers themselves. You can tell a lot about a person by how they write.

    I'm happy to say I've met some great people from Ausfish, There is definitely a core group of barra nuts here, I've gotten to know and meet a few, but I'm going to make an effort to get to the Muster next year to meet a few more.

    I can see how there might be a few keen barra anglers out there, who might not feel confident to post a report, or reply to a thread. But it is a great way to learn more and share your experiences.

    If you've read this far you probably have the following issues:

    1. Fairly severe IBD or other barra affliction
    2. You live too far from a barra dam
    3. You have too much time on your hands, or are stuck at work and bludging.

    There is little you can do about 1 & 2, so I hope you are learning something here for your next trip. If you've been barra fishing lately please post a report, (with pics) because personally I'd rather read reports than this dribble, wouldn't you?

    But this dribble isn't too bad, I hope it gets more of you silent Ausfishers to get your hand off it (the mouse that is) and unleash the keyboard



  2. #47

    Re: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?

    the way i see it is to look at the title of the thread, this one , the beer n barra one , what cheeses me off and sorta know its all or most of it is going to be exactly that...where as the threads like the spin gear one, plastic mods ect ect, do mainly contain very valuable info from many highly respected fishos as well as findings from the people who only get to visit these dams a few times a year, but are testing and learnig every chance they get on the water, with very little banter..
    i read all threads , post on most, and yes love a bit of banter and abuse among freinds...mates that i have met on this site and now fish with regulary...
    peter4 summed it up perfectly, im in the same boat, whithout the info and (freinds)that i have attained from this site i may not have kept fishing the dams, first two trips with not a scale, driving round aimlessly, trolling, casting to nothingness...hell a may not have even come back let alone buy a boat also..

    im happy with this site the way it is, and if you want no banter there is another site with alot less of it and plenty of great info...

    God put me on earth to accomplish
    a certain number of things,
    right now i am so far behind
    i will never die.

  3. #48

    Re: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?

    G,Day Brian
    great thread mate,i used to read and post more in the rusty section than in the freshwater side but now i seem to be in here more than not however my deckie from the weekend reads all the posts to learn ,but does not respond due to his typing ability and spelling the english words as he is polish but i told him to start posting and not worry about the spelling


  4. #49

    Re: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?

    Yes Brian, i read all but do not always add to threads because of several reasons. What i could contribute is already said, I feel I have nothing to contribute on the particular thread or have a lack of confidence on the subject at hand or simply don't feel a need to.

    I know that as life goes on, the less I know about many subjects fishing included especially in the seemingly precise field of bass and barra fishing. I love barra and bass fishing and have only been into it for some 3 years. I am lucky to make to the barra impoundments more than twice a year but I absolutely love it and look forward to it. I joined Ausfish as a learning oppurtunity initially and have learnt that there are also many characters and great people on here and its been great to meet some of them since joining.

    I also agree with Plastic, Dick and Theo and feel sometimes especially for newbies that they could be put off a bit by all the friendly banter that goes on. Looking for the other chat areas this freshwater section is a bit unique at how it carries on. There are a lot of good mates on here and it is easy to see how it all becomes a bit familiar.

    I also have tried at times to start what I felt were interesting threads and basically they just die which then discourages further inputs. Other guys have said the same to me.

    I do love the Ausfish site and especially this freshwater section and all my family knows the names of the regulars on here and joke about my invisible friends. I think Brian that us irregular posters are not trying to be rude or just take from the forum, but we are just different personalities. Seeing all the characters on here and getting to know them via their posts, it actually reminds a lot of being back at school at times education, laughs, personalities and friendship.

    Also I am a lousy typer and speller and I have to read and re-read my posts many times before pressing the button so it takes ages to contribute something. I was also taught that I have 2 ears and 1 mouth and I should use them in that proportion. Anyway I have definatly said something now!

    No offence to anyone intended - just my honest thoughts shared amongst friends.

    - cheers all - Richard

  5. #50

    Re: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?

    Quote Originally Posted by BR65 View Post
    Thanks Chris, but what about the question mate.

    Is there to much banter/crap/ useless chat?

    Quote Originally Posted by BR65 View Post

    Thousands of views, but a lot less posters = a lot less input, mite become a bit one sided at times due to "shouters" I reckon?

    Be nice if we could keep this one civil, relevant to the original question, and factual.
    There is a sticky Barra Diary

    Quote Originally Posted by Obi _ Wan View Post

    I am a great believer in our Hosts footnote (Thanks Steve Brown) which is, Arguing with an idiot only proves there are two.

    I refuse to get involved in threads that are quite obviously personal and i believe they have no place here or on other forums, they actually disgust me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Little grey men View Post
    I read every barra thread I find, but very rarely reply because I simply don't know enough about these big silver beauties to make a worthwhile contribution to other readers. I read them to gather any scrap of information I can on a species I plan on stalking very soon.
    Keep em comin'
    Mate if you want answers please ask questions. Seriously some of the best posts on here are as a result of some asking a question. Start a Thread with a question and you get everyone's attention and hopefully we all gain something.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dick Pasfield View Post
    Keeping the banter out of the techo threads as much as possible spurs my interest and will more likely prompt a response from me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pointyfish View Post
    I don't contribute because I don't really have much to add. I have no impoundment experience at all. I just read as much info as I can on areas and techniques so when I do move over , I will already have bit of an idea.

    Cheers Shaun
    Shaun you can see the crap that goes on here.
    Please ask questions to generate worthwhile posts

    Not everyone wants to mix it with the main stream. Especially when they read some of the attitudes that surface on here and who could blame them.

    There is a lot to be said for keeping to yourself if that is you thing but you can still take what you want from this site and contribute if you wish. Did I mention ask questions to give these IBD sufferers something to talk about. Because they will continue to post whether they have a good topic or not

    Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.
    The Rest is just Wasted!
    To The Shed.............

  6. #51

    Re: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?

    Thanks for the push Brian. I,m like a lot of others who visit this forum in that I know bugger all about Barra fishing, but am keen to learn. With only my second Barra trip to Mondy coming up in a few weeks time I am on here as much as possible soaking up as much info as I can. I enjoy reading all the threads on Ausfish, but the Barra threads do seem to bring out some personalities

    Keep up the good work people,a lot of us enjoy the banter.

    Cheers Andrew

  7. #52

    Re: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?

    Please ask questions to generate worthwhile posts.

    Not everyone wants to mix it with the main stream. Especially when they read some of the attitudes that surface on here and who could blame them.

    There is a lot to be said for keeping to yourself if that is you thing but you can still take what you want from this site and contribute if you wish. Did I mention ask questions to give these IBD sufferers something to talk about. Because they will continue to post whether they have a good topic or not

    Sure there are some strong personalities on here - Is that good thing or bad thing - I actually think that it is 80% good because it does ensure that discussions will be buoyant and interesting. There would be nothing worst than having a situation where topics stall because no one is willing to offer a differing opinion or alternative viewpoint.........

    The negative is that you do get newcomers that would be intimidated or not feel that they will be able to contribute. Those that do join in are usually welcomed & encouraged............ just look at how many joined in at the various gatherings.


    PS ..... Dont think that the negative stuff just happens here on freshwater chat - Just look up Etec Vs threads in boating ...... or C&R Vs Kill & fillet in Salt water chat - or Introduction of a fishing licence in General chat. plenty more out there too
    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  8. #53

    Re: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?


    I'll admit to being a mad fresh water barra fisho, however where I fish the fish are usually no where near the magic metre mark so I don't bother to post.

    I enjoy reading the tips and reports though and one day I'll give this dam barra fishing thing a serious go and see what all the fuss is about .


  9. #54

    Re: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?

    Yes Brian I spend a great deal of time going over various threads on this site. Many of my views have already been posted. The one major objection I have is the lack of humility of some of the posters. This site attracts some of the best fishos around and some that think they are the best fishos around. Maybe we should all focus on contributing those small factors that make up the solution to catching these great fish consistently. Many times I have come back from a trip to Mondy thinking that I need to find another piece in the puzzle, that is when I visit this site and look for contributions from those fishos that really know what they are doing. Don't take this the wrong way guys we all have something to contribute, it is more how the message is delivered that is the real issue. Take Obi wan's comments, he takes it so far then backs out, he knows how to operate. Brian also has plenty to say but only when it is relevant. I think some of the posters should think before posting. Just my two bobs worth.

  10. #55

    Re: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?

    Didn't quite know what to say Brian, but I had to post

    Sometimes I'll gloss over a thread if I'm short on those instances I generally won't post in case I regurgitate the comments of 25 others.

    Other times I'm more than happy to contribute if it adds value in some way.

    No hard and fast rules for me. I reply if I want to, or feel the need to, or can contribute positively, or to engage in banter.

    Plenty of friends made through these forums that is for sure, and that is one of the things I treasure most.

    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  11. #56

    Re: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?

    I will admit that i am a reader of these threads but i joined Ausfish to learn & boy have i learned heaps...
    I do reply to threads & have sent PMs to find out more info ( thanks Chris),,

    Trouble is i live to far away & can do only 1 trip a year but i really do enjoy reading all of these threads...

    thanks to all Baz

  12. #57

    Re: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?

    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Ren View Post
    Didn't quite know what to say Brian, but I had to post

    Sometimes I'll gloss over a thread if I'm short on those instances I generally won't post in case I regurgitate the comments of 25 others.

    Other times I'm more than happy to contribute if it adds value in some way.

    No hard and fast rules for me. I reply if I want to, or feel the need to, or can contribute positively, or to engage in banter.

    Plenty of friends made through these forums that is for sure, and that is one of the things I treasure most.

    My sentiments entirely Paul.....There is no point in repeating what has already been said......If I have something to contribute I will.......The pickings have been a bit slim lately, my last trip was in June.....I think I'll have to do a quickie before the February trip (Too long to wait).
    Good Mates....Good Food.....Good Fishing....Priceless

  13. #58

    Re: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?

    I don't post much because I'm usually out at the dam fishing and by the time I read a new thread it has 40 posts on it and is just about dead in the water. Take this thread for example.
    cheers scott.

  14. #59

    Re: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?


    cause its just not bass or toga or cod.


  15. #60

    Re: Have You Ever Read A Barra Thread And Not Posted?

    Alrighty then, i'll jump in. I'm kinda on par with Little grey men, don't know enough about barra fishin to contribute. I'm more of a reef person, but I do enjoy reading the odd barra thread. Also learning a lot about barra fishing along the way.

    As for a thread on "how to catch inpoundment barra", bloody good idea I reckon! I've got tinaroo not too far from me, and I just can't seem to get a barra out of it.

    All the best,

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