I sometimes wonder if I'm on Facebook or Twitter when I'm reading some if these threads. Seriously. Now a few of you made the point about posting banter & good old fashioned chat in selected threads, but how many other threads from people who may be asking questions about different fish/locations/techniques could be lost? Barra threads seem to over-ride everything on this section of the forum, and thats not because 'barra are the flavour of the month' (thats debate-able), but most of the threads are just general chit chat and nothing too serious. Don't think for one minute I'm knocking this, because we all do it - but perhaps there is a better place to do this. MSN as Plastic_Magic suggested is a good example... you can have a single window open and be chatting to 30 odd people and run it like a mini forum. Can't do that on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace etc...
The recent 'I'd Be killed' thread is a fun, good honest thread ALL fisho's can get into... but how many will possibly look at it and go 'Oh no... its the barra boys again... I can't post here!'. Probably a few. There's a few more examples I can use.
Just my honest thoughts. Nothing un-toward