After finishing my week of dog watch at the servo and as always not sleeping all night I was up at 2am (NSW) and after a read of "Ausfish post " I was sitting here wondering just what to do. When I had looked at the Tweed Bar yesterday it did not look to great so I had not arranged a deckie to go out. So I'm sitting here thinking that with the drop of rain we have had in the last couple of days that it may just stir up a few Jews off the rocks. As I have not been down to Hastings Point in a few months since buying the boat I thought why the heck not. Checked out side and the stars were out and only a gentle SW breeze blowing. I tired to wake my daughter how has mooved back in with us but it was like trying to wake the dead.
Anyways I hit the ricks at around 430am (NSW) and with a rising tide and a jentle swell rolling in I thought I was in with a good chance. After only about 10 casts I felt the tell tail hit and head shakes and called it for a Jew. Ok just hold the line and let it drown DON'T RUSH ANYTHING I told myself as it felt like a good fish with a few runs and not wanting to settle down I had to guide it around to the back of the rocks to a place where I had the gaff set up. The hardest thing was keeping the braid off any rocks as that would of would ended the battle quick smart, so after a few minutes I was on top and a small Jew was on the rocks.The reason that he was giving a good account for him self was because he was fouled hooked.
Ok after checking the line for any nicks or cuts it was back in the water not expecting any more fish as over the years of fishing there I have found that you only ever get just the one Jew, but again only after about 20 cast I had a carbon copy of the first one on the rocks, but this time I was able to see it before I tried to steer it around the rocks and just lifted it.
I hope you enjoy the story and the Pics.