We are getting a little off topic from the the original question asked, though similar expired flares Qs continue to get asked.
Who knows where the 'urban myth' that carrying recently expired flares somehow adds to vessels and it's passengers safety came from??
Possibly the idea was originally developed and promulgated by a government maritime bureaucrat with little or no marine experience, probably like the majority of present MSQ employees?
There are MSQ officers today rated as "Compliance Officers" that is - they can issue infringement notices, that have zero marine backgrounds, fact, I kid you not!!
MSQ 'orals' examiners are able to gather seatime for advanced qualifications on the basis of the exams they have conducted, they don't even need to step foot on a ship!
These are the kinds of incompetent boobs that determine what we as the regular rec boating public have to adhere to.
It's no wonder they are considered as retarded in some way... it's because they are!
The commercial sector will be coming under the AMSA 'tinnie to tanker' umbrella very soon,,, a national recreational regulatory boating approach would be a very good move too.