Hi All
Just returned from an impromptu trip to lake Monduran ( meeting up with Trev for a few days of Therapy on the Illusionist).
It was a interesting trip with some nice fish landed (11 in total) - plenty of fish lost through being bricked down to simple line failure.![]()
Fish were caught or encountered all over the dam with our efforts concentrated on wind effected points , bays & weed beds - Barra were landed through the day 6am 8pm with no definitive bite time .. Temps ranged from 24 29 deg c.
The dam level continues to fall with danger lurking in once safe passages ( ie 2nd cut through , the run up south B ( right on the 2nd last reflective marker as you leave South B . Entrance to Bird ( Take a wide path).
On a lighter note ..Trev did his best Steve Irwin impersonation trying to rescue a Sugar glider from a couple of crows . Only to have the glider turn on his rescuer. I wish I had a video but I at least got Trev to photograph his adversary.Attachment 52781
As for the fish .. Since Trev is not really into measuring fish or( using a landing net) I cant give you any sizes , except for this 1 fish that went 100cm.
On a personal note All of my fish were landed on 20lb spin gear ( Daiwa Certate 3000 , 20lb Bionic braid & Berkley Diablo 6-10kg rod - The lure of choice was a modified xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry for the brief report - but its shhhhhhh - we were never there![]()