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Fisheries a pointless JOKE!
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Thread: Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

  1. #1
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

    I had a chat with a fella this morning. He gave me as much detail as he could give without compromising his own position. He is a trusted source.

    A few days ago a 24 foot boat was picked up by Fisheries coming in to Mooloolaba with more than 40 Squire on board, but only one POB. This young man's Father is working on getting a Pro license. Dad has already worn two fines for overfishing the limit. Son now has one.

    He was fined $2,000.

    Obviously Fisheries are not interested in getting the job done. Bloody pathetic.

    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  2. #2

    Re: Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

    It would be a good reason NOT to grant the pro license I reckon.
    I wonder where the squire were heading too??
    Any guesses??
    I intend on living far so good

  3. #3

    Re: Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

    Fisherys law and ingrained managerial incompetence of which this a shining example is precisely why I as a responsible Angler run the regulations gauntlet every trip out and risk any ideological designer un-fightable fine for any simple mistake without intent,malice or damage to nature and man kind....may as well be living in China.

    Oh by the way the black market is still and has always been out of control....(rolls eyes).

    cheers fnq

  4. #4

    Re: Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

    Confirmation recieved that there was a bust out of Mooloolaba.

    23 legal size snapper and a number of undersized were seized.

    A $2000 on the spot fine was issued.

    Siezed fish are currently held by Fisheries in Mooloolaba.

    IT appears that it is cheaper to throw a on the spot fine at these people than to drag them through the courts.

    A haul such as this would fetch about $600 to $700 on the black market. How many times has these people done this and how many times have they been caught. It appears they are prepared to run the gauntlet and end up winners.

    The double edged sword comes in thus..... issue on the spot fine and hope they pay it... $2000 into coffers ( Captains Blighs Super ) or have a court case where many more thousands are spent getting the conviction...... BUT, if said court case goes ahead, penalties are much more severe and include forfieture of boat, car, trailer and even imprisonment.

    I say, if it is true, as eluded to, that this is a third offence, I would be happy to have Fisheries see them in court.

    All IMO.

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  5. #5

    Re: Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

    IMO where it is blindly obvious that they don’t give a rats about the regulations. They should cop an on the spot fine and have all there fishing equipment including the boat seized. A one month seizure for every under size fish and every fish in excess of the bag limits.
    And that's for first offence.
    Maturity is not when we start speaking BIG things,it is when we start understanding small things

  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member rodneyk's Avatar
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    Re: Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

    hi timiboy im surpized they even caught him how many times have they got away with it as usual new laws that 99%adhere too then the grubs just keep diong what they always do not enough policing in our big coastline they would rather hire consultants and spin doctors than more fisheries officers

  7. #7

    Re: Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

    Queensland Government
    Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
    Queensland Primary Industries and Fisheries

    Media Response
    27 October 2009

    Attributable to a Queensland Boating and Fisheries (QBFP) spokesperson:

    “Two recreational fishers on the SunshineCoast have been issued with Fisheries Infringement Notices (FINs) to the value of $2000.

    “On 30 September 2009 QBFP officers from Mooloolaba made an inspection of a 23ft vessel with two men on board as it returned to Mooloolaba port.

    “The catch was inspected and the following species of fish were found:

    • 23 snapper (two of which were undersize)
    • Five pearl perch (four of which were undersize)
    • Four amberjack (all of which were undersize)
    • Two tusk fish (without pectoral fins removed)
    • One teraglin.

    “The two men were found to be over their possession limit on snapper by 13 fish. In addition they had a total of 10 undersize fish and two coral reef fin fish without their pectoral fins removed.

    “Of the catch 23 snapper, four pearl perch and four amberjack were seized and the men were left with the remaining catch.

    “As a result of the investigation five fisheries infringement notices (FINs) were issued as follows:

    • two FINS for the unlawful possession of regulated fish by a recreational fisher to possess undersized fish which incur a total penalty of $800

    • two FINS for the unlawful possession of regulated fish by a recreational fisher to possess fish in excess of the possession limit which incur a total penalty of $800

    • one FIN for the unlawful possession of regulated fish by a recreational fisher for failing to remove pectoral fins from coral reef fin fish which incur a total penalty of $400.

    “The vessel was not involved in any previous illegal activity.”

    Media: Kirsten Phillips 3224 7757
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  8. #8
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_Phill View Post
    “The vessel was not involved in any previous illegal activity.”
    Why did she say that? Did you ask her about any previous activity, otherwise why the hell did she think to say it?

    My source states that this is not the case.

    So, $2,000 for 10 undersize fish, and Snapper bag broken by 13 fish.

    This fine does nothing but encourage the rampaging black market out there.

    How many trips do you do before you get caught? And now we find that the Law will never be applied, because Fisheries cannot afford to prosecute to the full extent available. So the rape of our Fishery will continue, while we do the right thing and sheepishly obey whatever new regulations are delivered, these people can do what the hell they like, with little or no fear of reprisal.

    Hell, what a mess.

    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

    Very sad.

    Timi Boy, are you telling stories again? A fisheries officer at a boat ramp....sounds like garbage to me Maybe they got lost on the way to maccas?

    Does anyone know the following numbers:

    1. Number of inspections a year specifically for undersized/illegal fish on board (Not just checking that your flares are out of date!)

    2. What is the percentage of inspections to fines or prosecutions?

  10. #10

    Re: Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

    I've been fishing for over 25 years and never seen a inspector.
    What a joke! Typical government incompetence.

    I reckon introduce fishing licences for all.
    Break the rules once results in 12 months licence ban. Break the rules twice or fish without a licence and byebye boat for 6 months.
    With all the money from the licences the government could buy boats and employ more people and get the job done. Can always dream.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

    It may be all well and good to blame the Fisheries inspectors but they can only fine or whatever else dependent on the legislation. Perhaps the pollies are the ones that need a kick i nthe butt to alter the penalties etc. If the fines issued are all that the legislaton permits then the fisheries blokes are only doing what the law allows them to do. Don't shoot the messenger...annoy the message writers.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Nov 2006

    Re: Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

    You've got to put this in perspective if monster fines are issued to people you set a presadent and thats what goes from then on and their are people that make genuine mistakes that don't deserve to loose months worth of pay, for example the guy recently on ausfish that got the $1200 fine for fishing just inside a green zone unknowingly and a mistake anybody could make but if he chose to fight it he could of got a $6000 dollar fine and criminal conviction like the guy up north who appealed and lost a similar charge recently now that's bullshit and equivalent to months pay to some folks which is total bullshit.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

    The only perspective on this is that it's the third time this guy's family has been caught with the nose in the trough. He knows full well what the limits are, and flouts them because he can afford it.

    Boat should have been torpedoed.

    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Re: Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

    I personally know of a pro carbber in far north QLD, He had been caught with under sized and Jenny's more than a 7 times.

    First few times he copped low fines, like above, 4-5th offense was a $10,000+ fine, I know the last 2 times he has had his boat and all equipment confiscated.
    BUT, he makes so much money from doing so, the fines and loss of gear doesn't adversly affect him, I know the local magistrate has threatened jail time. But obviously its not enough of a deterrent for him, as I know last season he bought out dozens of undersized crabs:S I have a good friend who owns a lisence in the same area, he tries his best tip fihseries off about this guy, but very limited resources all over QLD unfortuneatly.

  15. #15

    Re: Fisheries a pointless JOKE!

    I totally agree samson.

    $1200 for only being in a green zone is rough compaired to speeding through a 40KPH school zone .... about $200..... let's try and put that in perspective ?????

    I am awaiting full clarification of all facts. But if as Tim suggested, it is a third offence..... throw the book, in fact the whole library at him. IMO.

    I also acknowledge that these type of offences, including ' being in a green zone " should be treated on their individual merits.

    after proding, this came out:-

    cheers Phill
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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