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ABT Barra Stealth Rules
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Thread: ABT Barra Stealth Rules

  1. #1

    ABT Barra Stealth Rules

    Ausfisher Barra Anglers,

    I've started a poll on the Fishing Monthly Bulletin Board to try and make barra anglers more aware of the STEALTH Factor when barra angling. Especially in regards to what distance other anglers should stay away from boats fishing, when they are operating their main motor.

    Here is the thread on FM BB

    Moreso than any other tournament species, impoundment barra are very wary of boat noise. Stealth (operating very quietly to move into fishing locations) has become imperative to acheiving good results. The operation of boat motors can shut down a bite for a considerable period of time. Ignorant or inconsiderant anglers can and have ruined the fishing for other teams by operating their boat motors too close to another team that has worked hard to maintain stealth in a location. I have been guilty of this in the past due to ignorance. After watching the level of stealth measures used by the Taylors and other gun anglers, I think its time to that ABT put something in the rules, so that all barra anglers know what is a acceptable.

    I couldn't find anything in the current ABT barra rules in regards to distance between boats, and therefore I'd like to suggest that the following rules be implemented for the 2009 Barra tour.

    1. Distance Between Boats When Fishing - Minimum 30metres

    2. Distance Between Boats when Operating Boat Motor - If one team is fishing (on anchor or electric motor), other boats must not operate their main motor within 100m regardless of speed. If a team is fishing a narrow arm of a lake that is less than 100m wide, other boats must reduce speed to 4 knots to pass for 100m either side of the boat fishing.

    I'm suggesting 100m on no. 2, but I have put it to a poll for your input.

    I would like to see these points implemented as ABT Barra Rules, not just used as ettiquette guidelines, otherwise they may be taken too lightly. The aim of bringing up this topic is to cut out any grey area on what is fair enough tournament behaviour, and to enhance everyones chances of catching more barra.

    I'd like to see just the barra anglers vote and comment on this thanks.


    I'm posting this here on Ausfish to make a few of you who fish the ABT Barra Tour or are seriously considering do so, aware of this thread - so you can get on FM BB and have a vote.

    The more noise we can make aout this issue, hopefully will mean less noise will be created on the lakes when we are trying to fish quietly. Hopefully it will mean more anglers are aware of the level of stealth required, and what is a courteous distance to stay away from boats that are fishing. Not just in ABT comps.

    Here is the link

    The aim is that they will seriously consider implementing something in their rules. I may fall short of that, but if I'm able to make just a few more anglers aware that its not cool to motor up to other boats fishing, or fly by at top speed, than I've achieved something.

    There's nothing worse than having your hard earned stealth advantage shattered by another boat. Be it ignorance or arrogance!



  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
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    Re: ABT Barra Stealth Rules

    Good idea Matt, though I would add to two of your points:

    1. The minimum distance between boats fishing should be 50m rather than 30m - nothing worse than someone fishing nearby losing all stealth and care when they hook-up. The further away this happens, the better. Rather a long cast away than a medium/shortish one...

    2. These rules should be extended beyond ABT events and become broad etiquette 'rules' for all impoundment barra fishos at all times. An etiquette sign at every boatramp would be a good start. If these practices were adopted by the majority it would be a lot easier to educate the minority...

    We got very pissed off last year when we were fishing Mondy one week after the ABT event. While we were fishing an island weed bed another experienced barra fisho and his mate (who were locals) slowly crept up to us until they were fishing less than 15m away. When challenged about their distance their reply was "You should have been here last weekend when there were more than 10 boats around this weed bed during the ABT" what! It was still poor form. A good example of arrogance rather than ignorance....



  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member warrior's Avatar
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    Re: ABT Barra Stealth Rules

    great idea matt and pete they should be posted at all ramps, it is such a habit now of being blasted past by ignorant fishoes and being parked on top of after landing a fish ,it has to change somehow and that would be a great start ,maybe put the sign up with 6 foot letters on it

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member rodneyk's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: ABT Barra Stealth Rules

    Hi Matt great idea hope you can achieve this i have always been doing this whether it is in a creek up the dam or in the bay its just common curtisy but it amazes me how many dont have it as i recently seen at mondy most ppl will do it i think if everyone has a go

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member Steve B's Avatar
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    Re: ABT Barra Stealth Rules

    Very good topic Matt, and timely too!!! If nothing else hopefully the blokes fishing will read the great info and adhere to it anyway. I think after the difficult fishing last year, maybe it might click that stealth is really important....way more than bass!!....whether it stops 'cutting in' etc.....time will tell.

    Thanks Matt. Cheers Steve

  6. #6
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Dec 2007

    Re: ABT Barra Stealth Rules

    great topic and definate problem in dam fishing especially around any comps or even on a quite weekend fishing. unfortunately there will always be people out there who dont give a s..t but i think they are only a few. i would like to know what everyone thinks about the super boats {skeeters and the like} with their big donks roaring up the dams at warp speed. even at 50 or hundred metres the noise carries through the water. have been in quite areas when they cruise past and well it does carry a long way. dont want to stop the guides but it a fine balance of respect. 14 ft tinnie with a 30 or a 18 ft with a 150 or 200. anyway
    my opinion,


  7. #7

    Re: ABT Barra Stealth Rules

    Dont just limit this to the to the comps ........... The social anglers need to understand it even more-so - Trev & I discussed this over the weekend!
    Maybe a pamphlet that is handed out when checking in to the camp grounds. Trev even coined the title "So you really want to catch a barra ?"

    You could cover topics like Etiquette , stealth & offer tips -

    I wonder if MASA & the park could sponsor such a program

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  8. #8

    Re: ABT Barra Stealth Rules

    It looks like everyone who has replied here understands the stealth and courtesy factor.

    It will be very hard to educate everyone who fished the dams, but Nagg and Trev might be onto something. Start writing!

    ABT anglers are only a small % of those who fish the barra dams, but maybe we can get something into the rules and then they will have to abide by it. When there are 40 plus boats, all on the one waterway at the same time - as well as the regular punters, Stealth and courtesy become even more important.

    Unfortunately the FM poll still has 30% who think there is no need for steath or courtesy! I honestly can't believe it!

    Who are these people? I don't think some bream and bass anglers realise just how different impoundment barra fishing is!


  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
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    Re: ABT Barra Stealth Rules

    If someone was to design a pamphlet I would be prepared to run off a couple of thousand in full colour for no cost......someone else would need to co-ordinate distribution to the various impoundment areas.



  10. #10

    Re: ABT Barra Stealth Rules

    That's very generous of you Pete,

    I'm keen to help out in getting this off the ground as well.

    I'm sure we'll have no trouble distributing it to the caravan parks and tackle shops (around Awoonga and Monduran anyway).


    Outfits - Line, Leader, knots
    Drag Settings
    Choosing Fishing Locations
    Basic lure selection
    Conditions - wind, water temps, time of year, moon
    Stealth and Courtesy
    Netting, Handling and Releasing Fish
    Night time safety

    Thats a quick list, feel free to add what you think needs to be covered - remember it is for begineers.



  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member darylive's Avatar
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    Re: ABT Barra Stealth Rules

    Attachment 52809Be vewy vewy qwiet when hunting BAWWA

    Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.
    The Rest is just Wasted!
    To The Shed.............

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member Steve B's Avatar
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    Re: ABT Barra Stealth Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by matt fraser View Post
    That's very generous of you Pete,

    I'm keen to help out in getting this off the ground as well.

    I'm sure we'll have no trouble distributing it to the caravan parks and tackle shops (around Awoonga and Monduran anyway).


    Outfits - Line, Leader, knots
    Drag Settings
    Choosing Fishing Locations
    Basic lure selection
    Conditions - wind, water temps, time of year, moon
    Stealth and Courtesy
    Netting, Handling and Releasing Fish
    Night time safety

    Thats a quick list, feel free to add what you think needs to be covered - remember it is for begineers.




    I love the idea, and would be happy to distribute any relevant info....I would narrow it down to simple stuff that never changes:

    1. Stealth and courtesy
    2. Netting and fish handling
    3. Safety in general

    These are pretty much agreed on by the majority

    The other subjects are 'subjective' to say the least , and complicates the fundamental basics that need to be spelt out to the beginner and experienced alike.

    Leaders, lures, knots, drags, locations, moons and all that are 'opinions' and often change over time.....this sort of info they can get from tackle shops, fellow anglers and general experience...the above basic fundamentals are good starting points to equip the beginner or experiences angler...from a brochure point of view!!

    cheers Steve

  13. #13

    Re: ABT Barra Stealth Rules

    I've had a bit of experience in this so can offer at least an opinion and perhaps a way forward.

    Firstly a pamphlet is usually an A4 folded into thirds and can only hold a certain amount of info with accompanying pics that can take up between a third and half the available space. Pics are important to convey a visual message with accompanying caption. They can either reinforce a component of a message initially given in text or give a new one.

    With limited space it's best not to crowd the messages in, pick a couple priority themes i.e fish handling and etiquette and work off them with specifics.

    With the program Publisher in Office its easy to play around with the layout as a draft, or create a pilot to gauge how successful the concept could be by printing off a couple of hundred and distribute them for feedback. Once you know what you want get five or ten thou professionally printed and distribute.

    This could be a nice and neat little project for a few people or a community group to put together and not cost the earth. More importantly is where it could lead to.

  14. #14

    Re: ABT Barra Stealth Rules

    Thanks Dick

    So with a 6 sided pamphlet (A4 folded into thirds)

    I guess the main objective is to get the important messages out there -

    So the layout could be

    *Front title page with photo

    *Courtesy / etiquette
    *Fish handling

    *Back page - Fishing Tips

    With some thoughtful writing - you can put a fair bit of info in this type of layout ..... you can even incorporate tips or pose thought provoking questions / statements in each section.

    ie Stealth section .....
    -Anchoring ( loose the Chain or cover it with bicycle tyre tube)
    -Use a buoy on anchor rope
    -Lower the anchor (don't throw it) or if possible tie off ( carry a long tie off rope )
    -Keep noise down (no banging) "sound travels further & faster through water"

    last line could be that classic statement "10% of the anglers catch 90% of the fish"

    These are just things that come to mind .... but it gives you an idea of what can be incorporated

    Great idea going here everyone

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
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    Re: ABT Barra Stealth Rules

    If someone has the time to make up a draft (Dick?) and send it to me at: then I will run off initial copies.

    Is there any way a draft can be posted on Ausfish for comment/alteration/approval etc??


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