what a change up up up this week, the water temp here around the jumpinpin has jumped 3 deg. thats quick what do u guys think ???glynn
what a change up up up this week, the water temp here around the jumpinpin has jumped 3 deg. thats quick what do u guys think ???glynn
I think that I was soaking a livie last night and when I pulled it in to check it was still alive it was warm.. Much warmer than my hands. It was a coolish night, but the water certainly retained a good deal of warmth.
Yup, 19deg/c last week and 23deg/c this week behind green island.
23 and 24 in the pine
i want a bigger boat
Call Sign "In-Vince-able" VHF 72
On Friday the water temp outside Sth Passage Bar was 23degrees. On Wednesday it was 22degrees. Caught fish on Wedneday but not Friday. Barometric pressure also wasn't as high on Friday.
just remember the temps you are getting are at the water surface...it can gain and release temp there quite rapidly dependent on the wind and sun etc. The deeper you get the more stable it should be and changes happen rather slowly.