I must be missing something here otherwise I must be as dumb as dogshit,however I take it that it is pretty common knowledge that a stong wind driven chop will cause quite different sea conditions given depth,tide flow and prevailing ocean swell.
It is a given that areas like Moreton Bay and FNQ ,where the depth of the ocean plays a decisive role in the sea conditions will have a steeper,closer nastier chop than a deeper ocean area.
This is not the point here.photoguru asked about the effectiveness of a cat hull to handle conditions in his area FNQ.
Having owned both monos and cats I can honesty say that considering ALL SEA CONDITIONS I would much rather be in a cat than a mono OF EQUAL LENGTH in any sea condition and I believe that anyone who thinks differently should take the time to test this with experienced skippers.Talk without experience will not convince.
Kind Regards