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Thread: Beer and Barra Fishing

  1. #76

    Re: Beer and Barra Fishing

    While this all sounds quite unbelievable & trivial _ some individuals are active in pursuing a purge / Inquisition as they see it as their birth rite as "Keepers of the barra truth" ....... With very little substance to back their views ... They put their focus on the "demon drink"...... Those that partake in the social side of barra fishing are now looked down upon & are pigeon holed.

    The Inquisition!!! No-o-o, not the COMFY CHAIR I hear where you coming from Chris bro. The Keepers of the Flame hey? I only hope it goes out,not like some fires I hear hmmm? Pssssstt, Aahh, Bundy Rum..... AND Barra the only true path Resist at your peril


    Last edited by PaulMark; 30-10-2009 at 12:34 PM. Reason: Realigning the text

  2. #77
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
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    Re: Beer and Barra Fishing

    Sorry for my lack of contibution to this one i lov reading it but ive been a tad busy with little nip and fam ( and back issuse ) he now crawls like a rocket and also stands him self up with assistance from a objet he can use as levarge also at the same time he got his first tooth 7 month old and thats how long its been since the bash and the most recent thing i had a chance to have another chat to stev bs old man out at kilcoy again . But AI reckon yous all have hit it on the head great new friends made from this place with or without beer involde . Me i not a big drink but i took 2 beers out jack fishing the other night for tge first time ever and i got to say they where lovey sometimes its nice to just relax i have never had a drink in the boat before but thats was nice . Might try it again sometime

  3. #78
    Ausfish Platinum Member Steve B's Avatar
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    Re: Beer and Barra Fishing

    Righto, here goes!!

    Its a sad day when the top thread revolves around drinking.....and not fishing.

    The common consessus (spelling) is that we ausfish bunch love our fishing...and fish hard too, we enjoy a beer in moderation at the end of a day. I think thats the overwhelming theme and its a pretty good 'aussie way' too IMHO. I know this is the way of the blokes and girls who I know and share friendships here with. We all know this about each other...I for one have learnt (and will continue to) learn from heaps of blokes...there are some real smart thinking anglers who post on here in amongst the banter.

    Portrail to the reader:-(fact or not) might come across as the other way around...that we drink hard and fish dumb/less, and some of our posts (mine included) can read that way at times!! add to that disagreements about motivations, behaviours, personal agendas etc and it can paint an un-intentional bad picture of our attitudes and could turns potential contributers away...when we are not like that! I know most of the regulars on here personally, and they are not like that. We want ANYONE to be able to participate unhindered and fearless..... So we need to be mindful that what we write, and how we write it is read by many thousands (who dont know us)...and I for one want those people to enjoy and learn from what they read on here, and to get a true image of what this great ausfish bunch is about (particularly the mondy fishers on here)....and that the knowledge they share is to the best of their intentions... which it is..the day we stop learning from each other, regardless of standard or ability, is the day we may as well sell the boats.

    Back to drinink and fishing, Darryl was on a good path. TV fishing shows (and most sports actually) dont have blokes sitting around with beers..AFC and ABT dont have alcohol involved in their productions for professional (and insurance), if anyone is aspiring to have a professional career in the fishing game, and you also like to post reports and get involved in general chit mindful that industry folks do read here...and take notice....professionalism is required over talent alone if you want to make it......and thats advice for those with these aspirations.

    Finally, before my soapbox collapses totally. Lets get back to FISHING CHAT AND SHARING THE GOOD INFO WE ALL much as I enjoy a beer like the next bloke, its not a topic that I want to learn about....its just beer!

    Peace out ...(sound of mircophone hitting the ground )


  4. #79
    Ausfish Platinum Member Pete62's Avatar
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    Re: Beer and Barra Fishing

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    Thanks Brian

    I was initially wondering what prompted you to create a thread like this

    The reality is - when a thread like this goes up ....... It just shows that the vast majority are just not interested in doing anything but enjoying their time away when barra fishing - with good mates... & possibly a drink in hand - sharing information & helping each other out ( some pretty good thinking barra fishoes included) .......... and that is the "Australian way" .....

    I resemble that remark


  5. #80

    Re: Beer and Barra Fishing

    Anyone who drinks to excess while in control of a boat(other than water) is an idiot,and unfortunately they are out there.However,the topic is beer and barra! Whether Brian intended for the light hearted tongue in cheek responses who knows but it was obvious he would get some.As with everything too much alcohol will not be good for response times and concentration levels let alone actual ability to partake in the best pastime there is....thats right pastime,for 90% of us thats what it is a challenging,intoxicating,but highly rewarding pastime. If I'm the skipper NO beer,rumbo's whatever(if I've got the grandson,and Mrs aboard not much fishing either)So, again the title of the thread was beer and barra,don't think it was supposed to be an ultra serious enquiry just Brians interest in our thoughts.

  6. #81
    Ausfish Platinum Member Steve B's Avatar
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    Re: Beer and Barra Fishing

    Quote Originally Posted by PaulMark View Post
    Anyone who drinks to excess while in control of a boat(other than water) is an idiot,and unfortunately they are out there.However,the topic is beer and barra! Whether Brian intended for the light hearted tongue in cheek responses who knows but it was obvious he would get some.As with everything too much alcohol will not be good for response times and concentration levels let alone actual ability to partake in the best pastime there is....thats right pastime,for 90% of us thats what it is a challenging,intoxicating,but highly rewarding pastime. If I'm the skipper NO beer,rumbo's whatever(if I've got the grandson,and Mrs aboard not much fishing either)So, again the title of the thread was beer and barra,don't think it was supposed to be an ultra serious enquiry just Brians interest in our thoughts.

    Well said Paulo, totally would most on here.

    Cheers Steve

  7. #82
    Ausfish Platinum Member Apollo's Avatar
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    Re: Beer and Barra Fishing

    Steve B

    I acknowledge your point of view, but can't see the relation to the comments made.

    Most were about fishing during the day and a few social drinks at night. I don't recall anyone talking about getting plastered on the water (especially in control of a boat, which I (and pretty much anyone here I'm sure) can never condone) or even getting smashed at night. In fact at any M&G I don't recall anyone getting hammered to the stage of behaving inappropriately (on or off the water). If they did, then I wouldn't want to come as I have a low tolerance to idiots.

    I would at most have one or two mid/light beers in a days fishing, but often have none.

    I haven't taken this thread as serious one, just a bit of fun and about what we enjoy about the social aspect of Ausfish fishing. I have enough things in my life to be serious about so tend to not be about the rest. Maybe I need to reread the thread - nah - not that important.

    Your comment about how those wanting to make it as a pro or semi pro in tournament fishing is spot on and should be considered by those that have aspirations that way, before they get a rebel rep by rouge posting.

    I appreciate you having your say and as always we need to be mindful of how we are portraying ourselves to others. I am just struggling to understand or agree with your post on this account. I am cool with that and understand that others have different opinions (even if they are wrong)

    Look forward to having a beer with you down the track mate. In moderation of course.


  8. #83

    Re: Beer and Barra Fishing

    Quote Originally Posted by Apollo View Post
    Steve B

    I acknowledge your point of view, but can't see the relation to the comments made.

    Most were about fishing during the day and a few social drinks at night. I don't recall anyone talking about getting plastered on the water (especially in control of a boat, which I (and pretty much anyone here I'm sure) can never condone) or even getting smashed at night. In fact at any M&G I don't recall anyone getting hammered to the stage of behaving inappropriately (on or off the water). If they did, then I wouldn't want to come as I have a low tolerance to idiots.

    I would at most have one or two mid/light beers in a days fishing, but often have none.

    I haven't taken this thread as serious one, just a bit of fun and about what we enjoy about the social aspect of Ausfish fishing. I have enough thing in my life to be serious about so tend to not be about the rest. Maybe I need to reread the thread - nah - not that important.

    Your comment about how those wanting to make it as a pro or semi pro in tournament fishing is spot on and should be considered by those that have aspirations that way, before they get a rebel rep by rouge posting.

    I appreciate you having your say and as always we need to be mindful of how we are portraying ourselves to others. I am just struggling to understand or agree with your post on this account. I am cool with that and understand that others have different opinions (even if they are wrong)

    Look forward to having a beer with you down the track mate. In moderation of course.


    I think Steve is being the voice of moderation.
    fortunately ...... Everyone here seems to behave in a responsible manner anyhow , specially on the water.
    & yes - we certainly don't want to be seen as a bunch of Yobbs by the wider community. ....... which we aren't

    Anyhow .... lets get back to fishing chat & fishing

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  9. #84
    Ausfish Platinum Member Steve B's Avatar
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    Re: Beer and Barra Fishing

    Quote Originally Posted by Apollo View Post
    Steve B

    I acknowledge your point of view, but can't see the relation to the comments made.

    Most were about fishing during the day and a few social drinks at night. I don't recall anyone talking about getting plastered on the water (especially in control of a boat, which I (and pretty much anyone here I'm sure) can never condone) or even getting smashed at night. In fact at any M&G I don't recall anyone getting hammered to the stage of behaving inappropriately (on or off the water). If they did, then I wouldn't want to come as I have a low tolerance to idiots.

    I would at most have one or two mid/light beers in a days fishing, but often have none.

    I haven't taken this thread as serious one, just a bit of fun and about what we enjoy about the social aspect of Ausfish fishing. I have enough thing in my life to be serious about so tend to not be about the rest. Maybe I need to reread the thread - nah - not that important.

    Your comment about how those wanting to make it as a pro or semi pro in tournament fishing is spot on and should be considered by those that have aspirations that way, before they get a rebel rep by rouge posting.

    I appreciate you having your say and as always we need to be mindful of how we are portraying ourselves to others. I am just struggling to understand or agree with your post on this account. I am cool with that and understand that others have different opinions (even if they are wrong)

    Look forward to having a beer with you down the track mate. In moderation of course.


    Fair call Steve, I agree with your comments. This thread is a good casual one, and I appologise for the serious type post.

    Thanks Chris, you summed up what I would have said.

    Cheers Steve

  10. #85
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Beer and Barra Fishing

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve B View Post
    Fair call Steve, I agree with your comments. This thread is a good casual one, and I appologise for the serious type post.

    Thanks Chris, you summed up what I would have said.

    Cheers Steve
    And about time, don't ever do that again, get serious come on!!!!!!!!

    Now go and get another beer.


  11. #86
    Ausfish Platinum Member Steve B's Avatar
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    Re: Beer and Barra Fishing

    Quote Originally Posted by trymyluck View Post
    And about time, don't ever do that again, get serious come on!!!!!!!!

    Now go and get another beer.


    Ha ha...thanks mate...promise it wont happen again!!

    Cheers Steve

  12. #87
    Ausfish Platinum Member Apollo's Avatar
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    Re: Beer and Barra Fishing

    All good Steve and Chris

    Great we can discuss things like mates. Honest, open and straight with each other without letting each other get away with being serious.

    As I said we all have an opinion. Mind is just right, that's all.

    Now - what was the question?


  13. #88

    Re: Beer and Barra Fishing

    Ahh, the question??

    Does the enjoyment of a cold beer affect your barra fishing?

    Plenty of comment here, but I should have expected that. After all, we are Aussies, the out doors, mate ship, a cold beer, its part of our genetic make up, or so the advertising world would have us think!

    Look, I like a beer, I act responsibly, Im 44 years of age and still have all my limbs, been married to the same great girl for the last 23 years, I currently project manage a job worth over 15 million dollars for my company. Im not dumb. I think when I fish. Sure, Im not as smart as some, and Im not as blinkered as others.
    I acknowledge those Ive learnt from, help those I can, and generally try to live life by the motto "treat others how you want to be treated yourself" - translated "what comes around, goes around".
    I like to barra fish, you guys and gals like to barra fish, lets all go and barra fish, yeah?

    Steve, ya ever put up a serious post in one of my threads again, and its slick rigs at 10 paces brother.

    Live long, be happy, catch a barra!

  14. #89

    Re: Beer and Barra Fishing

    PS to that post.

    The people Ive met in person or via key board chat,and fished with, or argued with, beer or no beer, agree or dis-agree, from this site, have taught me more, made me laugh, and increased the enjoyment I obtain from fishing ten fold.
    Thanks blokes, and blokettes.

    Big hugs now - yuck!!!!

  15. #90
    Ausfish Platinum Member Steve B's Avatar
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    Re: Beer and Barra Fishing

    Quote Originally Posted by BR65 View Post
    Ahh, the question??

    Does the enjoyment of a cold beer affect your barra fishing?

    Plenty of comment here, but I should have expected that. After all, we are Aussies, the out doors, mate ship, a cold beer, its part of our genetic make up, or so the advertising world would have us think!

    Look, I like a beer, I act responsibly, Im 44 years of age and still have all my limbs, been married to the same great girl for the last 23 years, I currently project manage a job worth over 15 million dollars for my company. Im not dumb. I think when I fish. Sure, Im not as smart as some, and Im not as blinkered as others.
    I acknowledge those Ive learnt from, help those I can, and generally try to live life by the motto "treat others how you want to be treated yourself" - translated "what comes around, goes around".
    I like to barra fish, you guys and gals like to barra fish, lets all go and barra fish, yeah?

    Steve, ya ever put up a serious post in one of my threads again, and its slick rigs at 10 paces brother.

    Live long, be happy, catch a barra!
    They put you in charge of a 15 million dollar job!!!!

    great stuff Brian!!!!...Its a crazy world, they just put me in charge of our station...permenantly!! scary stuff!!!

    cheers mate Steve

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