Noicely voiced Kim
No thats whats it's all about well said Kimmy
Look close @ what has happened over the last year or so
A Nagg travels with a volley man , and now the Nagg becomes a QLD er![]()
A daryl, well stays a daryl but not without a miss-hap and a Mondy Map layout![]()
A deano becomes A Princess![]()
A Steve Becomes a Glue tester, and raises a moon after a ball tearing affair![]()
A Kimmy poses with a great smile even when there's a crack in the lense![]()
A dave become the new Ausfish Barossa Valley![]()
A Nipsta becomes a dada for no.2 and the red claw cook![]()
A Poiter nails the first mondy barra, and finally rolls a smoke
A Roo see's sideways, and nails a PB barra, and teaches boat driving to kimmy![]()
A whitto marks his territory and a silver back is born
A Apollo gets a win in a fly comp
A BR65 launches a new tactic we know when he's is going![]()
A Robbersl discloses his affinity with Mr Ed![]()
A Big Ren becomes a guide and steers the lads onto a feast of fish, then provides lake side sausage sizzles![]()
A Tropicaltrout , becomes a biatch for a prinny and finally uses a SP
A TonyM changes his boat more then most change clothes yet even in the face of dismay turns up to Borumba rental and all![]()
A Setthehook turn up to a muster and finally get out of the tent:lipsrsealed: to take home the trophy
A Obi-Wan has a life changing op and will grace us once again with his wisdom after a speedy recovery![]()
And what has all this got in common????? we all where there to share it in one way or another, and that's what this site along with fishing has done amazing hey....![]()
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
'Oh Shit.....she's awake'
Wow ...... so much has happened in such a short timeframe - Thanks for reminding us Nath.
But you know what ....... best of all - It just keeps getting better & the friendships grow stronger ( I've made more friends through here in the past couple of years than in any other part of my life)
I've shared a deck with a good number of those mentioned & hope to do the same with many others .........
When you consider that the first Mondy Muster was only 13 months ago & from that we have spawned the BASH & SESSIONS ....... & for pretty well no other reason than enjoying each others company.
Finally ....... hey haven't some great fish been caught along the way - How many PBs
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
clarifWell that's the Beer goggles
Where is my bloody chair you Bassards?
You blokes do know her old man reads this right
And yes there were Beers!
But is it not true we are there for the social aspect
i.e. social gathering and social fishing. Recreation that is.
If you were in a high powered comp and the prize was the more important goal then perhaps the attitude would be different. A Sunday drive might involve a counter lunch and a couple of light ones; but it is a different story if you are in a motor race.
I think it is simply a question of priorities and each to there own. I personally have enough stress in my life without taking my fishing too seriously.
Let me rephrase that:-
I take my fishing trips seriously, they are important to me to relieve stress :shocked:
I try not stress too much about fish catching or not. (frustrating bassards)
To those who do, good luck to you.
Like motor sport plenty of development comes from those who take it seriously.
But don't take everything seriously all of time. Come and have a beer with us![]()
Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.The Rest is just Wasted!
To The Shed.............![]()
Nail on the head D, its about appropriate actions at appropriate times.
When Im swagging by myself, I tend to fish a bit "hard" for lack of a better word, and the beers stay in the esky.
When Im on a social, the Muster, The Bash, or just a get together, differant story.
Besides, I like beer, Im going to have another now whilst I think about barra fushing.
On our fishing club trips in png we were always well stocked with liquid refreshments....maybe because the club president was manager of a major catering company - that might've had something to do with the abundance of supplies we always seemed to have.
Fishing two per boat it was nothing to go through a carton of beer a day then more in the evening. Plus there was usually a good scotch and or bottle of wine to partake of. And this was us, staying at a remote 1 Star lodge in the middle of nowhere, where it was BYO "everything!"
There was a small generator there & a deep freeze that stayed 'close' to freezing point, so at least the beers were cold.
Seeing it was a 'fly in - fly out' wetlands area with no roads, we knew there was no worries about someone having to drive. We had designated boat boys to do all the outboard motoring so we just fished & drank then bbq'd in the evenings.
But even though the beers came regularly while fishing, we were always in control. Because of the tropical conditions we probably sweated most of it out anyway. We caught loads of black bass & barra - not to mention tarpon, saratoga and the odd catfish. And no-one fell overboard!
Our trips were always with mates (and a few gals sometimes) so it was a social affair. Fishing was the number one priority with the beers a close second. On those trips the barra & beer matched up pretty well...
"...a voice in my head keeps telling me to go fishing..."
There is something about fishing up in your neck of the woods - I spent a week up at Madang with 5 full days ( including 2 overnighters) on a game boat ...... & I can say that I had never consumed so much beer in a week - however at no stage did I ever feel intoxicated ( as you say - sweated it out) ........ I just thought it was the SWAMP PI$$ (nambawan bia) that they were feeding me![]()
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Thanks Brian
I was initially wondering what prompted you to create a thread like this![]()
The reality is - when a thread like this goes up ....... It just shows that the vast majority are just not interested in doing anything but enjoying their time away when barra fishing - with good mates... & possibly a drink in hand - sharing information & helping each other out ( some pretty good thinking barra fishoes included) .......... and that is the "Australian way" .....
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
i ll, drink to that...bbrrrpppp.....![]()
God put me on earth to accomplisha certain number of things,right now i am so far behindi will never die.